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The Nicolas Cage Matrix

Guest Wall Bird

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I don't see Tempo di Uccidere on there!




1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenant Silvestri (Cage) suffering toothache decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. But the lorry has an accident and stop near a rock, so Silvestri continues by walk. On his way he meets and rapes a wonderful young Ethiopian. He also wound her when he shot to a wild animal, and later kills her to avoid further pain. When he finally reaches the hospital, he realizes he gets probably leprosy. Trying to escape from Ethiopia Silvestri will kill again. But surprises aren't still over.





what the FUCK

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Cage is an enigma. It seems that he sometimes takes roles, no matter how rubbish, just for the fun of acting. Sometimes he nails it and sometimes hams it up like there's no tomorrow.


He has a gambling problem. He needs money.

i'd believe it

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The New York Times has a big article on the history of The Green Hornet, and it mentions Nic Cage’s casting and departure in passing:


But [Michel Gondry] was unable to work with Nicolas Cage, the film’s original villain. For reasons known only to him, he insisted on using a Jamaican accent. “I was quite relieved when he announced he no longer wanted the part,” Mr. Gondry said.

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you can watch Tempo di Uccidere on imdb FYI




Nicolas Cage is one of the best actors of this era. Even in this unknown film which was never released in American theatres, Cage still gives a stunning performance...in fact, perhaps one of the strongest of his acting career. If you truly appreciate Nic Cage as an actor you will truly appreciate his acting in this film.
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I. am. the. greatest. (skip to 2minutes...)



Shoot'em, Blast'em, Nab'em, Grab’em, Shake'em Bake'em Cook'em, Clean'em, Hose'em, Broil'em, Kick'em, Nab'em, Twist an' arm, ALL GONE BYE BYE!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd say the wickerman is amusing, but ultimately it's so bad it's painful to watch.


Vampire's Kiss is amazing though. All around excellent movie.


Adaptation is great. And really shows of Nic Cage as an actor.


Face/off is very amusing.

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