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I want to make WATMM an Android App

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

Right, I've made a Android app for work. But, to beef up my portfolio, I need to make another, ideally starting now.


SOOOO I was I was thinking about a WATMM app. It'd be useful for me, and I'd be fun to get others' input, and even program with others if they have (or want) Android experience.


Less for reading the forums as such, but to stream the latest creations in EKT from somewhere perhaps? Not entirely sure where the EKT creations could be streamed from though.


Any thoughts of a cool WATMM app for Android?

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Just a few random ideas:


A 'news' page where one can see aggregated news of the most featured artists like Plaid/Ae, etc. Maybe for a wider audience incorporate a lot of other artists as well so it's kind of a music news 'feed' for specific artists.


EKT listening function with a list of new threads and a way to comment in them


New releases forum implemented in a more orderly fashion, with perhaps a due date and only the titles like artist - album, and if possible ordered in genres and sorted by date of release.


Instead of having just watmm i think it would be cool to do a 'global' news/comment/preview/listen app, with a watmm section.

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