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Things that make you lose sleep

Cazador Mod Unit

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The screaming in the room next door that never seems to die down. Probably the main contributor to my stress, loss of sleep and loss of hair the last year or so.

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I generally hate sleep because it means i will have to wake up again. i'm working on it.


Certainly this. God damn it, why am I up at 7:30 am?


Naps make me lose sleep. I took a two hour fucking nap 12 hours ago and my eyes hurt, I'm physically tired, but my mind isn't the least bit.

The cars going by outside certainly don't help.


Also, fuck, I can't stand the sound dogs make when they like themselves. Fucking drives me apeshit

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that I have never been in a situation where five people find each other attractive and cool enough so we can all have sex together


I'm still working on this.

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