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Home town weirdness..


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The thread Velazquez started (http://forum.watmm.com/topic/68752-this-dude-is-from-my-hometown/) got me thinking. I figure most towns have some myths and stories going around, shit you hear in school or whatever.


The one I remembered from my home town was "The St Albans Poisoner" or also known as "The Teacup Poisoner".


Just looked it up to see how much was true.. More or less all of it!




or shorter version





Just wondering what the stories from other peoples home towns are.

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Guest disparaissant

Madison, WI is on an isthmus between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona. On the shore of lake Mendota is the Mendota Mental Health Insitute, where Ed Gein spent the last portion of his life and died. Lake Monona is the lake that Otis Redding's plane crashed into. Killed all but two of the Bar-Kays.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

there was a girl in my town. long ago... she stuck a hot dog in her vagina in the back of the school bus and it got stuck there and they had to call the paramedics


was she out of spaghettios?

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they always rumored there was something in the water for decades...


Man Creosote is nasty stuff too. My dad used to get me to coat his shed with it every summer. Would get pissed if I splashed any on his lawn, dead patches of grass and stuff.


yeah the water's fine these days apparently, but i remember even when I was a younger kid in the 90's people would float rumors around about the water.

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Madison, WI is on an isthmus between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona. On the shore of lake Mendota is the Mendota Mental Health Insitute, where Ed Gein spent the last portion of his life and died. Lake Monona is the lake that Otis Redding's plane crashed into. Killed all but two of the Bar-Kays.


My wife is from Mad Town. Represent. David Lynch likes to hang out there and they shot the Rodney Dangerfield movie "Back To School" there.






On the hometown tip...


Something I did (that I wouldn't exactly recommend) is go to http://www.familywatchdog.us/ and do a search for your hometown.

I found a dude that graduated a year ahead of me sodomized some boy.



My hometown (it's a secret) was a "dry" town up until I was 15 or 16. In case you don't know what that means, you couldn't buy alcohol there.

It was also EXTREMELY religious and conservative. I think there were more churches per square mile there than any other city on earth, other than Rome, Italy. Fact.

There was nothing to do there but go to church. If you didn't do that, you probably did lot's of LSD, because if you didn't you'd end up committing suicide.

I'm glad I escaped.

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Apart from all the crazy little stories me and my friends witnessed, there was this guy in the 1920s called "The Vampire of Düsseldorf"




He murdered 9 women, sliced open their necks and drank their blood. In court he also stated how he enjoyed sexual intercourse with dogs. Yeah.

This is where he's at today:






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I do like that kind of stuff and I would like to hear a story!

from seeing apparitions to knocking on walls that sometimes only one person could hear or more. her older sister would wake her up at night when she had to use the bathroom so she could walk with her to it.

also once my mom was doing a ouija board with her friends and everyone had their eyes closed, my mom felt the arrow thing fly off the board and her hands were going all over the place only to open her eyes and see she was the only person that was still participating in the game.

i've heard bad things about those ouija boards though, demon possession and such can happen supposedly.

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I do like that kind of stuff and I would like to hear a story!

from seeing apparitions to knocking on walls that sometimes only one person could hear or more. her older sister would wake her up at night when she had to use the bathroom so she could walk with her to it.

also once my mom was doing a ouija board with her friends and everyone had their eyes closed, my mom felt the arrow thing fly off the board and her hands were going all over the place only to open her eyes and see she was the only person that was still participating in the game.

i've heard bad things about those ouija boards though, demon possession and such can happen supposedly.


I've taken part in a Ouija once before, and it was utter rubbish. Fact. Nothing but melodrama and a few too many imaginations.


I walked out of that old country pub infinitely happier with the world that silly shit doesn't really exist and that logic, reason and science still prevail. It was a bright morning.

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I do like that kind of stuff and I would like to hear a story!

from seeing apparitions to knocking on walls that sometimes only one person could hear or more. her older sister would wake her up at night when she had to use the bathroom so she could walk with her to it.

also once my mom was doing a ouija board with her friends and everyone had their eyes closed, my mom felt the arrow thing fly off the board and her hands were going all over the place only to open her eyes and see she was the only person that was still participating in the game.

i've heard bad things about those ouija boards though, demon possession and such can happen supposedly.


I've taken part in a Ouija once before, and it was utter rubbish. Fact. Nothing but melodrama and a few too many imaginations.


I walked out of that old country pub infinitely happier with the world that silly shit doesn't really exist and that logic, reason and science still prevail. It was a bright morning.


Ouija board is just a parlour game. That's what it was invented as, sold as, and patented as. The whole myth of them came from some nutcase spiritualist a long time later. It's really just a variation of automatic writing. Pretty funny, the patent for Ouija boards is held by Parker Brothers, same people as Monopoly and Cluedo, and Id place about as much faith in a divination from a monopoly board as I would from a Ouija.


Not that I have anything against spiritualists, but there are people who sell tricks like cold reading as genuine hope to others in mourning. Way out of line.


Thats not to say that I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or whatever. universe is so bizarre and fantastic that I wouldn't be that surprised. But I find the idea that they're waiting for their relatives to play a game of snakes and ladders, or some asshat like derrick acorah to turn up in order to communicate or whatever, stupid

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The one I remembered from my home town was "The St Albans Poisoner" or also known as "The Teacup Poisoner".


Just looked it up to see how much was true.. More or less all of it!




or shorter version







you should watch the film version "The Young Poisoner's Handbook" (i think it's called)


it's good

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