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Interview With A Musician


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Whats up guys


I'm in an audio/video production class this semester and for our project due tomorrow we are required to interview someone who is either a musician or has experienced a large change in their life. I've been procrastinating this one and it's due tomorrow. It has to be an audio interview so it would be conducted over skype.


I'd just really like to do my project on an electronic musician so if you wanna help me out we'd just talk about some of your techniques, influences, lifestyle etc. I'd prefer someone who has a larger amount of experience with all kinds of equipment but if you've been at it for at least a year it should be fine

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It would be like a sup news feature. i would interview you and find out a little background info.. where you are from, where you like to make music, what got you started and what keeps you going, what style you have...


and then i would want to use clips of your music in the background with me as the narrator and clips of you talking between

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so nerdy


i like it


it's weird hearing someone actually say that they made a track inspired by the large hadron collider


edit: excriminate?????

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it was about a 30 minute interview so there was a lot more i wanted to include. my assignment was supposed to be 4-6 mins and its like 7.5 so i had to stop somewhere.


maybe i'll make a watmm extended version? lol

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