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Battlefield 3 Beta

Guest El_Chemso

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Not really. The 3D spotting solves that eventually. a team mate sees a sniper kill his team mate and highlights him. Then its pretty much all over for that camping session. In hardcore mode this is harder, but it doesn't really become intolerable. Plus I like the challenge of hunting down a sniper. And I like being the sniper who is being hunted.

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Guest El_Chemso

i played the xbox version for an hour or so. quite fun but there are a lot of annoyances. some carried over from bc2, some new.


the menus are pretty but awkward and confusing at times.


the controls are awkward (no matter how I try I can't get used to right bumper for knife. my instinct goes to the right stick (crouch) every time and it has cost me counless deaths. there's no way to change it either to what I want either (alt is Y, which is even weirder...)


i had some strange visual glitches (flashing white for a while when I first started playing and the through the floor one previously posted).


guns feel a little weightless and theres some general awkwardness in the game. for instance the body animations while getting shot often throw me off and result in my death, but I suppose it's something I'll get used to.


as in bc2 I have trouble getting into squads, and as players know, no squad, no chance. makes life much more difficult than it needs to be and I was hoping they would have maybe balanced it somewhat.


also can somebody explain to me how choosing squad leaders works? or is it random?


it is a lot of fun tho, but not a huge leap forward from bc2. i'll probably pick it up once the price drops.


All this is exactly what I thought to, but wasn't able to put into words. Really hope its a far better game at release than it is now, like 150% better.

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i played the xbox version for an hour or so. quite fun but there are a lot of annoyances. some carried over from bc2, some new.


the menus are pretty but awkward and confusing at times.


the controls are awkward (no matter how I try I can't get used to right bumper for knife. my instinct goes to the right stick (crouch) every time and it has cost me counless deaths. there's no way to change it either to what I want either (alt is Y, which is even weirder...)


i had some strange visual glitches (flashing white for a while when I first started playing and the through the floor one previously posted).


guns feel a little weightless and theres some general awkwardness in the game. for instance the body animations while getting shot often throw me off and result in my death, but I suppose it's something I'll get used to.


as in bc2 I have trouble getting into squads, and as players know, no squad, no chance. makes life much more difficult than it needs to be and I was hoping they would have maybe balanced it somewhat.


also can somebody explain to me how choosing squad leaders works? or is it random?


it is a lot of fun tho, but not a huge leap forward from bc2. i'll probably pick it up once the price drops.


All this is exactly what I thought to, but wasn't able to put into words. Really hope its a far better game at release than it is now, like 150% better.



If you played BF2 @ the beginning you know it'll take some time, but it will be amazing eventually. Whatever happened to releasing a finished game?

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Guest El_Chemso

I have got BF2:BC but didn't have it from day one, some friends actually bought it for me for Christmas this year, always good to get one decent present!


Gears of War 2 on release, I remember that was very patchy, had a lot of problems with joining games etc.

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so far ive played like 10 games and im liking it, lots of glitches, of course its a beta, i dont like 3rd person kill cams theyre glitchy and annoying, i think the flash light and sniper glares are way too pronounced , theres some other things but the core gameplay is pretty much perfect

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Guest abusivegeorge

Been completely unable to connect to a sever all night. Myself and my friends haven't played a single game. It says it can't find a room to join, without even taking 1 second to look for one (xbox).


Downloaded it again, since they re-uploaded it with an update which supposedly solved the problem. It's exactly the same.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Can anyone get into the Xbox beta? Seems like EA servers are getting crushed.


Can anyone get into the Xbox beta? Seems like EA servers are getting crushed.


They put something up on Facebook saying they're working on a patch for the 360.

Been completely unable to connect to a sever all night. Myself and my friends haven't played a single game. It says it can't find a room to join, without even taking 1 second to look for one (xbox).


Downloaded it again, since they re-uploaded it with an update which supposedly solved the problem. It's exactly the same.

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been playing it for the past hour (pc), tons of weird bugs, like screen flashes in different colors and some other gfx glitches. also for some reason my guy keeps jumping up and down whenever i stand still. not actually jumping but, twitching, or something, and in some parts of the metro map i feel like im sinking through the ground. with that said though, im loving it, and i haven't even tried the caspian map yet. has anyone (here)?


looks amazing


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

They still only have like a few servers around the world playing Caspian Border and you have to have the password (that changes periodically) through word of mouth to get in them?

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the server browser and origin and all that annoying shit noone asked for is really annoying as expected, i also got the same glitches data mentioned. the animations range from great to lol, i see what they're going for and i hope they make it right for the release, it feels less arcadey and i like it. all of the new additions like blinding, sniper lens flash and crawling are great imo, it really makes the game more calculated and tactical..it looks like it's gonna be great basically, can't wait for caspian as well, no one will play metro when it's out.

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lol i actually got in for a couple of minutes before getting kicked out, it was very laggy, the map is enormous and the performance was pretty good on my pc and an older gfx card (hd4870). i even managed to jump into a helicopter as a gunner but it was crashed 5 seconds after the takeoff :crazy:

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Guest fiznuthian

been playing it for the past hour (pc), tons of weird bugs, like screen flashes in different colors and some other gfx glitches. also for some reason my guy keeps jumping up and down whenever i stand still. not actually jumping but, twitching, or something, and in some parts of the metro map i feel like im sinking through the ground. with that said though, im loving it, and i haven't even tried the caspian map yet. has anyone (here)?


looks amazing




Wow after playing red orchestra 2 for weeks, BF3 looks like a cartoon now..


I like the look of it though, i'll probably buy it if I can get past having to use origin.. BF1942 was some of the best gaming ever and when mods came out my life was over for a few years.

Is DICE opening up BF3 to modding?

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"DICE currently have no plans for mod tools"


IGN: A core part of Battlefield's heritage is giving gamers tools to mod the game and take it to new places. Why not do that with Battlefield 3?


Karl Magnus Troedsson: Well, first of all, we have a lot of respect for the modding community. They've done some awesome things, and there's also a bit of a parallel there for a lot of us getting into the games industry; in the early days when we were looking at other games, making our own games, reverse engineering other games to understand what was happening, it's somewhat similar to modding a game - it's getting more and more close to actually making your own game. So we have a lot of respect for the modding community.


At the same time, we haven't had mod support in our games for a long time, and there's a lot of reasons for that. First of all, DICE is committed to innovation and quality, whenever we do something. If we were to do mod support, it needs to be proper mod support, not some hack that we've thrown out there and then people scratch their heads. If we let it out there, it's going to be a good tool.


It's a huge investment for us to do something like that, and also a bit complicated, and to some degree there's also [a concern] security-wise. It's a bit scary to take an investment like Battlefield 3 and just let people dig into that engine and do whatever they want. We're dedicated to try and really limit the amount of hacks and exploits that come out there, but as soon as you let something like that out, people have all the tools in the world that they need to sit there and try to create cheats that actually would destroy the experience for a lot of other people. I'm not blaming mod tools for hacks and exploits in any way, but there's a lot of things we need to consider.


Mod tools won't be in Battlefield 3 when we ship it, but I can say this – we have heard the community loud and clear. We are talking about it in the studio. I'm not promising that we're going to do it in any way, but we have heard it, and we'll see what we do in the future.




Question addressed @ 2min



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Guest AcrossCanyons

another thing that bugged me playing it last night - I don't understand pointing out opponents anymore? when I click select the triangle pops up for approx a second then disappears, or straight up doesn't show up at all. what's going on w/ this?

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Spotting worked OK for me n the PC, IDK. Also, people who were hoping to check out Caspian Border are now SOL, they shut them all down :sad:


Thank you for testing Caspian Border

By: zh1nt0 common-square.png?v=185 Posted: 2 hours ago common-square.png?v=185767 Comments

It´s been 3 days full of win!

Thank you everyone who participated in testing Caspian Border with us during the Open Beta. We of course cherish and appreciate the time you have put into supplying is with good feedback. We will of course read it through and discuss it internally.


Testing has now been completed and we are shutting down the Caspian Border servers.


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