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Battlefield 3 Beta

Guest El_Chemso

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The movement/controls/animations are amazing. You can tell DICE have put so much effort into it. They have nailed it in BF3, it's perfect.



Plus, it's probably the most intense MP experience I've had since BFBC2.

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Guest El_Chemso

I think you guys are playing a diff game, I thought both the sound and movement were poor. But I haven't played it since the day I had the private invitation, has it been improved since or something? Or is it the PC version?

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Guest El_Chemso

I think the xbox is showing its age, both the last games I played, gears and bf3 seem to struggle/not look great. Time for the 720 xbox I think.

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Guest Gravity

The movement/controls/animations are amazing. You can tell DICE have put so much effort into it. They have nailed it in BF3, it's perfect.


Definitely, it feels like Mirror's Edge.

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came across this tweet today


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

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came across this tweet today


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

i'm calling bullshit on that.


what is the point of having a beta for open testing by using an old codebase?

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They're adjusting weapon damage, net code optimization, and server side optimization among other things I'd imagine. I could see this code being a month old, maybe even older?

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I think the xbox is showing its age, both the last games I played, gears and bf3 seem to struggle/not look great. Time for the 720 xbox I think.

it sounds fantastic to me (xbox). graphics are pretty amazing but they have that console blur thing going on which most games since gta4 have had, but i can live with that. it probably is a good time for the next gen tho I agree, but meanwhile I'll enjoy what we have just fine.

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came across this tweet today


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

i'm calling bullshit on that.


what is the point of having a beta for open testing by using an old codebase?


Why are you always so sceptical? It is true that the beta we are playing is a few weeks old because they have to submit the beta to Microsoft to get it approved and I can tell you that it takes forever for Microsoft (and probably Sony as well) to check to see if betas and demos live up to their standards before they publish them online. So if they had sent off their newest build of BF3 we probably wouldn't have played it before the actual game gets released. I followed the development of an XBLA game and when they were done checking for bugs Microsoft sent them a list with a billion things, which are called TCRs (Technical Certification Requirements) that they had to make sure were fixed and they had the weirdest demands because apparantly gamers do the weirdest things while they're playing.


They are also really nit picky when it comes to engaging players as fast as possible. One of the requirements sounded something like this:

"You have to employ methods to engage the player when the game is loading. Methods to engage a player: Tutorial videos, character animations, rotating hints, scrolling text, and other activities that are important to gameplay. Progress indicators are not a sufficient method that meets this requirement."


The primary reason for the beta is, just like Hautlle said, to stress test stuff such as servers and what not.

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^jesus, the console gaming industry so needs to die a painful death


Nah. People should just learn to stop bitching and moaning over things they don't know anything about. Sure it might be a bit of a hassle to debug your software according to Microsoft's standards but if it means that the product gets THAT much better then I don't really see the problem.

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some of the problems i have with the game arent to do with bugs , but theyre things that im pretty sure are gonna be in the final product

such as 3rd person killcams. those have always been glitchy and annoying and immersion ruining, you get these gross close up views of a guys nostril and any time something is in front of the camera it just goes crazy. its gross

they should serousy just make a first person kill cam. its not a big deal. or give us control so we can swing it around to their back if theres shit in the way and we dont want to look at one of those stone face character models running around like idiots.

battlefield 3 has really good character animations and designs but any model is gonna look like crap when you put a stupid camera in their face and theyre running around and stuff

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Guest abusivegeorge



No sound on at all.


The only game in existence I'm really good at (apart from Forza) and it's not even out yet. This could be the one for me.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

No offense but I don't believe that you could get 43 kills and 2 deaths in a game vs. infant down syndrome crack babies


You don't gotta lie to be cool George

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i've been playing on ultra without any problems at all, but just now my framerate dropped to what felt like 10-15 fps, for no reason at all. anyone else experience this? is it a bug or what?


gonna try these out http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-64bit-285.38-beta-driver.html

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