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Battlefield 3 Beta

Guest El_Chemso

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Guest abusivegeorge

You don't gotta lie to be cool George


I'm not lying, nor am I cool


I'm admittedly fucking rubbish at anything else. I can't play call of duty at all and I've been playing it everyday for a year.

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Guest abusivegeorge



just using mele attacks (brutal) and a pistol


I find the pistols more deadly than any of the weapons, you can camp and snipe with the fucking pistols. Same for Battlefield 2: Bad company.

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came across this tweet today


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

i'm calling bullshit on that.


what is the point of having a beta for open testing by using an old codebase?


Why are you always so sceptical? It is true that the beta we are playing is a few weeks old because they have to submit the beta to Microsoft to get it approved and I can tell you that it takes forever for Microsoft (and probably Sony as well) to check to see if betas and demos live up to their standards before they publish them online. So if they had sent off their newest build of BF3 we probably wouldn't have played it before the actual game gets released. I followed the development of an XBLA game and when they were done checking for bugs Microsoft sent them a list with a billion things, which are called TCRs (Technical Certification Requirements) that they had to make sure were fixed and they had the weirdest demands because apparantly gamers do the weirdest things while they're playing.


They are also really nit picky when it comes to engaging players as fast as possible. One of the requirements sounded something like this:

"You have to employ methods to engage the player when the game is loading. Methods to engage a player: Tutorial videos, character animations, rotating hints, scrolling text, and other activities that are important to gameplay. Progress indicators are not a sufficient method that meets this requirement."


The primary reason for the beta is, just like Hautlle said, to stress test stuff such as servers and what not.

well i still don't see the point of using an older codebase for a beta test, because inevitably you will get a shitload of feedback that you don't need because you've already fixed some bugs.


just seems like a waste of resources to be wading through feedback that isn't required.

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just using mele attacks (brutal) and a pistol


I find the pistols more deadly than any of the weapons, you can camp and snipe with the fucking pistols. Same for Battlefield 2: Bad company.


no camping, no use of the pistol after wasting ammo shooting lights out. just knife kills 49-0



EDIT* i wasnt even butt hurt getting 50-0, thats just the way i roll though,

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Guest AcrossCanyons

is it just me or is every game getting buggier and buggier? every second step gets me stuck in the ground or shot at by another player under the ground. no chance of going prone if you want to stay topside.

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came across this tweet today


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

i'm calling bullshit on that.


what is the point of having a beta for open testing by using an old codebase?


Why are you always so sceptical? It is true that the beta we are playing is a few weeks old because they have to submit the beta to Microsoft to get it approved and I can tell you that it takes forever for Microsoft (and probably Sony as well) to check to see if betas and demos live up to their standards before they publish them online. So if they had sent off their newest build of BF3 we probably wouldn't have played it before the actual game gets released. I followed the development of an XBLA game and when they were done checking for bugs Microsoft sent them a list with a billion things, which are called TCRs (Technical Certification Requirements) that they had to make sure were fixed and they had the weirdest demands because apparantly gamers do the weirdest things while they're playing.


They are also really nit picky when it comes to engaging players as fast as possible. One of the requirements sounded something like this:

"You have to employ methods to engage the player when the game is loading. Methods to engage a player: Tutorial videos, character animations, rotating hints, scrolling text, and other activities that are important to gameplay. Progress indicators are not a sufficient method that meets this requirement."


The primary reason for the beta is, just like Hautlle said, to stress test stuff such as servers and what not.

well i still don't see the point of using an older codebase for a beta test, because inevitably you will get a shitload of feedback that you don't need because you've already fixed some bugs.


just seems like a waste of resources to be wading through feedback that isn't required.


Not necessarily. Think of how many different Xbox360s, PS3s, and PCs there are out there. When it comes to the consoles there have been a lot of iterations of these with changes to the hardware even though there haven't been any big press releases about this. You know, just small changes here and there to make them better. What if one of the iterations of one of these consoles conflicts with something specific in BF3. Well, they won't know this unless they test their game on all the consoles that are available/have been available and what easier way to do this than having the public test it for them. Plus, people have a tendency to put their products to the test and especially gamers have a tendency to "hack" games in ways developers have never thought of.


And just because the beta is a couple of weeks old doesn't mean they aren't discovering new bugs. They're constantly updating the feedback list on the Battlelog site but since I don't have a Battlelog account I can't see the full list, so here's a small sample of what I've been able to find on other pages:

  • Fixed occasional client crash when reviving.
  • Fixed killcam showing glitched area under map if your killer is dead.
  • Issue with spawning on dead squad mates fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting at a moving enemy could cause more than the intended amount of damage.
  • Crosshairs for shotguns have been replaced with a new, thinner, art.
  • A subtle low health screen effect has been added.
  • Tweaked scores of Medals and Service Stars.
  • Tweaked the Rank progression.
  • Pushing prone on console will not play the animation twice.
  • Fixed loss of Squad Leader after EOR at some times.
  • Framerate stability fixes.
  • The 3D spotting icons has been tweaked to better match the target’s visibility. Icons will show frequently less on mostly obscured targets.
  • Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after round transition.
  • Fixed issue with crosshair disappearing after trying to deploy while the countdown timer still active.
  • Squad list now shows specializations chosen, VOIP activity and dead squad mates.
  • Non working options in squad menu fixed: "Private" flag and "Switch Teams".

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hacking has been rampant apparently, I haven't noticed any obscene blatant hacks but I've seen a number of people going like 34-0 which makes me wonder. They left the beta open w/o punkbuster so they could track what kinds of hacks people are using/building. An interesting tactic I guess. Caspian won't be made public during the beta it seems. I played a few rounds and it is so much more "battlefield" than Metro is with it's lack of vehicles and smaller map size. Still enjoying the beta and the patches are making it better.


Good article w/ links for further reading including discussion of sound design and some other interesting stuffs http://mp1st.com/201...n-sound-design/


yeah buddy :sup:



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How is it a gimmick if they are doing actual testing? Sure it's also a kind of "open demo" but they've been taking feedback, patching the beta, and implementing feedback from the beta.

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Guest abusivegeorge

hacking has been rampant apparently, I haven't noticed any obscene blatant hacks but I've seen a number of people going like 34-0 which makes me wonder.


Check out mine and Chris' scores. No hacking going on, I play with a guy who gets well into the 30's and 40's with 0 deaths and he definetly doesn't hack!

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Guest AcrossCanyons

that caspian map looks fucking amazing. i am so stoked for this game

these are the only 2 maps ive seen so far though, how many are supposed to come with the game?

they're the only 2 shown so far I'm pretty sure.


ps. c4 fucking own in this game yet nobody uses them. c4 are always under appreciated in games. the metro tunnels A base is the perfect place for them on either side. i'm really starting to love supports - next level i get mortars woo

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I've had a number of good rounds, going like 40-4, but never 0 deaths (I think 20-1 was my absolute best). It seems I'm one of the few that will actually try to disarm an active MCOM rather than sit in a bush and continue to up my K/D ratio.


Map list included in some beta files: http://battlefieldo....ist-beta-files/



Multiplayer Maps

  • MP_FOREST (Caspian Border)
  • MP_SUBWAY (Operation Metro)

Remember if you pre-order you get the Back to Karkand pack which includes 4 more maps





Singleplayer Maps

  • SP_EARTHQUAKE (Fault Line)
  • SP_FINALE (2 Part)
  • SP_JET (2 Part)
  • SP_NEW_YORK (2 Part)
  • SP_TANK (2 Part) (Thunder Run)
  • SP_VALLEY (Operation Guillotine)

Cooperative Maps

  • COOP_A10

Also discovered were a list of weapons exclusive to the Back to Karkand expansion pack:

  • XP1_HK53
  • XP1_PP19
  • XP1_QBZ95B
  • XP1_L85A2
  • XP1_QBB95
  • XP1_MG36
  • XP1_TYPE88
  • XP1_L96

edit: Caspian was awesome MAX, it is a REALLY huge map. I only went to 2 of the 4 or 5 caps just because there's no reason to go all the way across the map when there's plenty of action at my spawn. I really couldn't get over the size of it though. When I spawned I started walking because all the vehicles were gone. I came over this ridge and looked across the whole valley and it was amazing. Tons of rock outcrops gave me cover on the way down into the valley, you could see tanks i the distance hammering buildings and the jets fighting up above. There's a nice mix of wooded area, buildings and stuff at the cap points, and open fields w/ rock outcrops that will be hard to cross without a vehicle. Plenty of hiding places both low and high for the snipers, including going up a huge antennae tower. Hopefully with 64 players it will have a good amount of action across the whole map.



second edit: CASPIAN BORDER



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I fucking suck at this game. I cannot see anybody, every time I get frustrated, run towards the thing, plant it about half the time, and get sniped from the side by some guy I cannot see. I'm always trying to spot dudes but I feel like every time I even do that even I just get sniped from across the map by them before I even get off 3 rounds into them. I usually go like 12 kills -25 deaths(I usually have the highest deaths). I can never tell what is going on.

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i did find it more difficult than bad company 2, the vegetation is thicker and acts as a much better cover, plus proning of course..those are major gamechangers, it seems like the weapons are more powerful in general too..it basically requires much more patience to succeed, i think, and i'm not really good at this style of playing, i never take recon in bc2 though i like accurate weps like m16, an 94 and mg 36

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