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To All Proclaiming Revolution


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I love how they're protesting against the system all the while brandishing iPhones, digital cameras, using the internet to communicate...unless you think those things somehow organically evolved?


u trollin

Nope. U mad?


not sure, maybe if you turn that sentence into a real argument instead of posting vague malicious platitudes?


If you can't parse meaning from that, not much hope but OK (by the way malicious platitudes makes no coherent sense).


The people involved with the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations are frequently seen using the technological marvels that I mentioned earlier. These technological marvels did not just evolve naturally (ignoring the recent WATMM debate about the value of the word natural) - they are not organic products. They were instead developed, and became easily affordable because of capitalism and globalisation (the case of the internet is a bit different, that came about because of the desire to defend america from the communist "threat")

Thus it is quite ironic that they are protesting the system for being unfair and broken while using products that were only made available to them because of the system.


This is not to say that I don't believe the banking industry is perfect, far from it (especially in America, where some regulation would do you quite well). However, it is not in anyone's interests to start over from scratch.

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his suggestion is actually pretty valid (the speculation tax).


our economy was strong as hell without a military industrial complex before Kennedy-Nixon.

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they're protesting the corruption of money influencing the government, not money itself


in other words i don't think the system is the problem, its the fact that its broken.



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Guest theSun

his suggestion is actually pretty valid (the speculation tax).


our economy was strong as hell without a military industrial complex before Kennedy-Nixon.


wat? our economy was strong BECAUSE of the military industrial complex i.e. WW2


the mistake was continuing to R&D weapons and keep the inflated military budget when we were no longer openly at war, exerting our influence as peace keepers while we install our own regime to be friendly to US interests.




also : a system prone to corruption that protects itself is the problem, not the fact that it is broken. there need to be huge changes in regulation and tax code for there to be any sort of meaningful long term change.

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his suggestion is actually pretty valid (the speculation tax).


our economy was strong as hell without a military industrial complex before Kennedy-Nixon.


wat? our economy was strong BECAUSE of the military industrial complex i.e. WW2


the mistake was continuing to R&D weapons and keep the inflated military budget when we were no longer openly at war, exerting our influence as peace keepers while we install our own regime to be friendly to US interests.




also : a system prone to corruption that protects itself is the problem, not the fact that it is broken. there need to be huge changes in regulation and tax code for there to be any sort of meaningful long term change.


the Depression happened as a result of credit abuse and manipulation of speculative markets (sound familiar?), contraction of the money supply, and bank collapses not the collapse of American industrial power.


I will give you this, you are right in saying we recovered from the Depression due to military spending. The problem is those military industrial jobs never shifted back into the consumer sectors, due to the perceived threat of the Sino-Soviet alliance, and later just a general paranoia over communist power.


Manufacturing power in the U.S. only hit a dip between 1930-1933, after that it quickly rose back to normal and then exponentially so during WWII.

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they're protesting the corruption of money influencing the government, not money itself


in other words i don't think the system is the problem, its the fact that its broken.


I'm glad that you could find a coherent, single reason for the protests - cause the people there sure can't.

the system does need modification. for sure.

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