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i love the whole "apple is only better because they have better marketing" arguement. that is part of selling a product!!


no one knew android had a feature and that is apple's problem?




I'm merely stating facts, is it really that far fetched that big a part of apple's success is in it's marketing? you stated that their competitors are scrambling after the announcement of siri, but the truth is that it is apple who is behind in the tech and now they beautifully made it seem like they are changing the world. no one knew android had a feature and that's what made you think and write "whole new level of that" when it wasn't. no, it's not apple's fault nor do i care, I don't care either way.



understood. the whole point of marketing is to get your product out there. apple having amazing marketing is part of their amazing success. i don't care who invented what who who came out with what first. apple consistently delivers good products and this is going to be no different. i don't care if android has voice to text, i don't have or want an android. i have a 2.5 year old iphone and i'm ready for an upgrade. intersting sidenote on the android video, i love how they did it on seamless white biting off of apple's long time look.


anyway, i don't care who flew first, when i fly i get on the airline carrier i like most. i don't care who served the first cheeseburger, when i want a greasy burger, i go to five guys. i don't care who invented talking to your phone but when i do talk to mine, it's going to be an apple.

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Po sting this rum Mike knew i phone forest with sirree!





also lol @ the apple/samsung war. i didnt even know apple got the galaxy tablet banned until about five minutes ago

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in all fairness jules, i didn't post the video for your benefit.


i posted it for the benefit of people claiming that Android didn't have it first.


i totally agree with your standpoint on using what you want to use, fuck whoever made it first.


but facts are facts, and i was just setting straight some misinformed people.

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Guest analogue wings

doesn't android have smart voice recognition since like last year or so?




that argument will get an apple competitor as far now as it got them in 2007

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in all fairness jules, i didn't post the video for your benefit.


i posted it for the benefit of people claiming that Android didn't have it first.


i totally agree with your standpoint on using what you want to use, fuck whoever made it first.


but facts are facts, and i was just setting straight some misinformed people.


Yesterday's iPhone announcement was a disappointment for many Apple fans who were hoping for a more significant handset upgrade, though the company's new personal assistant program, Siri, likely won a few people back. What many may not have realised is that the original, more basic version of Siri had been available in the App Store for over 18 months - right up until Apple removed it during yesterday's announcement.


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just for the sake of arguing though:

in februari april 2010 Siri was technically Apple




BREAKING NEWS: Siri bought by Apple





Back in February I said that if you miss Siri you will miss the future of the Web.

Well, Apple did not miss the future of the Web.

According to FTC Apple just purchased Siri.

If previous acquisitions by Apple are an indicator this would have gone for 8x to 10x investments, which would have put the price at about $200 million. Since this company/product just came out this year (I named it one of the startups to watch in 2010) it would have had to go for that amount or more to get the investors interested in selling so soon.

I remember when I first saw Siri I told the CEO that they would get into a bidding war with someone bidding vs. Google. I would not be shocked to hear that happened.

Great to see one of my favorite startups of the year going so quickly. Wow.

Why is this strategic for Apple?

Because Siri hooked up APIs from around the world in a very cool personal assistant. It was one of the first apps I loaded on my iPad. Why? Because you could talk to it with your voice and have it do things from getting you a taxi to having it buy movie tickets for you.

The value in unlocked is huge. This shows Apple is very willing to buy its way into the new mobile web and the new API-driven web. This also could be a major cornerstone in how it competes with Google.


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just for the sake of arguing though:

in februari 2010 Siri was technically Apple




BREAKING NEWS: Siri bought by Apple





Back in February I said that if you miss Siri you will miss the future of the Web.

Well, Apple did not miss the future of the Web.

According to FTC Apple just purchased Siri.

If previous acquisitions by Apple are an indicator this would have gone for 8x to 10x investments, which would have put the price at about $200 million. Since this company/product just came out this year (I named it one of the startups to watch in 2010) it would have had to go for that amount or more to get the investors interested in selling so soon.

I remember when I first saw Siri I told the CEO that they would get into a bidding war with someone bidding vs. Google. I would not be shocked to hear that happened.

Great to see one of my favorite startups of the year going so quickly. Wow.

Why is this strategic for Apple?

Because Siri hooked up APIs from around the world in a very cool personal assistant. It was one of the first apps I loaded on my iPad. Why? Because you could talk to it with your voice and have it do things from getting you a taxi to having it buy movie tickets for you.

The value in unlocked is huge. This shows Apple is very willing to buy its way into the new mobile web and the new API-driven web. This also could be a major cornerstone in how it competes with Google.


and just for the sake of arguing, considering that Google had this feature actually working in august 2010, that would mean development started earlier in the year and quite possibly in the previous year.


also, Apple wouldn't have owned Siri in Feb2010 due to 'red-tape'. it would've only been acquired fully after the red-tape was dealt with

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and just for the sake of arguing, considering that Google had this feature actually working in august 2010, that would mean development started earlier in the year and quite possibly in the previous year.


also, Apple wouldn't have owned Siri in Feb2010 due to 'red-tape'. it would've only been acquired fully after the red-tape was dealt with

If you count development years, almost anything android is made after ios.


Plus, back in '87:



Also, http://www.ftc.gov/b...04/et100427.pdf

April 2010. :crazy:

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seriously, though, why does it matter?


Even fucking engadget or gizmodo or sommat was impressed with a hands on of Siri, and you know those immature fuckers were basically just trying to get Siri to make an inadvertent dick joke. That's really the important metric of success here.

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in all fairness jules, i didn't post the video for your benefit.


i posted it for the benefit of people claiming that Android didn't have it first.


i totally agree with your standpoint on using what you want to use, fuck whoever made it first.


but facts are facts, and i was just setting straight some misinformed people.



no problem bud, i know your stance on apple and i respect it fully.


why hasn't android been touting that? does anyone use it? did apple claim to invent it?


for what it's worth, i would be willing to bet anything that apple's will work much better than what android has now anyway.





also this >


seriously, though, why does it matter?




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why hasn't android been touting that? does anyone use it? did apple claim to invent it?

they did tout it, when it was released, hence making a video about it, blog posts about it, and a webpage dedicated to it. they just didn't go ramming it down people's throats.


i'm sure Apple will (or already have) claim(ed) that they invented it, just like they did with CoverFlow. and the iPod. and iTunes.


(btw, not trolling there...they really do claim to have invented those, even though they didn't.)


i guess what i'm really trying to say is that i'm tired of people lambasting Android or whatever happens to be the opposing system at the time, for things that Apple have supposedly already pioneered in, when in actual fact in most cases Apple has just bought another company out and actually proclaim that they invented it. then some people get over inflated senses of superiority based purely on marketing which is a lie.


meh, you're right. why the fuck does it matter. we should both be listening to Front 242 or something. i'm gonna do that right now actually.

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siri demo




list of things it can understand:


Address Book

Querying Contacts

  • What's Michael's address?
  • What is Susan Park's phone number?
  • When is my wife's birthday?
  • Show Jennifer's home email address

Finding Contacts

  • Show Jason Russell
  • Find people named Park
  • Who is Michael Manning?


  • My mom is Susan Park
  • Michael Manning is my brother
  • Call my brother at work



Adding Events

  • Set up a meeting at 9
  • Set up a meeting with Michael at 9
  • Meet with Lisa at noon
  • Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am
  • New appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3
  • Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom

Changing events

  • Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30
  • Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Manning to next Monday at 9am
  • Add Lisa to my meeting with Jason
  • Cancel the budget review meeting

Asking about events

  • What does the rest of my day look like?
  • What's on my calendar for Friday?
  • When is my next appointment?
  • When am I meeting with Michael?
  • Where is my next meeting?


Setting Alarms

  • Wake me up tomorrow at 7am
  • Set an alarm for 6:30am
  • Wake me up in 8 hours
  • Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45
  • Turn off my 6:30 alarm
  • Delete my 7:30 alarm

Checking the Clock

  • What time is it?
  • What time is it in Berlin?
  • What is today's date?
  • What's the date this Saturday?

Using a Timer

  • Set the timer for ten minutes
  • Show the timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Resume
  • Reset the timer
  • Stop it



Sending Messages

  • Email Lisa about the trip
  • Email Jennifer about the change in plans
  • New email to Susan Park
  • Mail Dad about the rent check
  • Email Dr. Manning and say I got the forms, thanks
  • Mail Lisa and Jason about the party and say I had a great time

Checking Messages

  • Check email
  • Any new email from Michael today?
  • Show new mail about the lease
  • Show the email from Lisa yesterday

Responding to Messages

  • Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment
  • Call him at work


Checking Up on Friends

  • Where's Jason?
  • Where is my sister?
  • Is my wife at home?
  • Where are all my friends?
  • Who is here?
  • Who is near me?



  • How do I get home?
  • Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California
  • Directions to my dad's work

Local Businesses

  • Find coffee near me
  • Where is Starbucks?
  • Find some burger joints in Baltimore
  • Find a gas station within walking distance
  • Good Mexican restaurants around here


Sending Texts

  • Tell Susan I'll be right there
  • Send a message to Jason Russell
  • Send a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrow
  • Tell Jennifer the show was great
  • Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I'll be late
  • Send a message to 408 555 1212
  • Text Jason and Lisa where are you?

Reading Texts

  • Read my new messages
  • Read it again

Replying to Texts

  • Reply that's great news
  • Tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes
  • Call her



  • Play The Light of the Sun
  • Play Trouble
  • Play Taking Back Sunday shuffled
  • Play Alicia Keys
  • Play some blues
  • Play my party mix
  • Shuffle my roadtrip playlist
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Skip


Creating and finding notes

  • Note that I spent $12 on lunch
  • Note: check out that new Alicia Keys album
  • Find my restaurant note
  • Create a reading list note
  • Add Tom Sawyer to my reading list note


Phone calls

  • Call Jason
  • Call Jennifer Wright mobile
  • Call Susan on her work phone
  • Call 408 555 1212
  • Call home
  • FaceTime Lisa


Requesting reminders

  • Remind me to call mom
  • Remind me to call my mom when I get home
  • Remember to take an umbrella
  • Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow
  • Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here
  • Remind me when I leave to call Jason
  • Remind me to finish the report by 6


Checking Stocks

  • What's Apple's stock price?
  • What is Apple's PE ratio?
  • What did Yahoo close at today?
  • How is the Nikkei doing?
  • How are the markets doing?
  • What is the Dow at?



Checking the Forecast

  • What's the weather for today?
  • What's the weather for tomorrow?
  • Will it rain in Cupertino this week?
  • Check next week's forecast for Burlington
  • What's the forecast for this evening?
  • How's the weather in Tampa right now?
  • How hot will it be in Palm Springs this weekend?
  • What's the high for Anchorage on Thursday?
  • What's the temperature outside?
  • How windy is it out there?
  • When is sunrise in Paris?


Looking up information

  • Search the web for Bora Bora
  • Search for vegetarian pasta recipes
  • Search the web for best cable plans
  • Google the war of 1812
  • Search Wikipedia for Abraham Lincoln
  • Search for news about the World Cup
  • Bing Alicia Keys


Using Wolfram Alpha

  • How many calories in a bagel?
  • What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people?
  • Who's buried in Grant's tomb?
  • How long do dogs live?
  • What is the Gossamer Condor?
  • What's the square root of 128?
  • How many dollars is €45?
  • What was the Best Picture of 1983?
  • How many days until Christmas?
  • How far away is the Sun?
  • When is the next solar eclipse?
  • Show me the Orion constellation
  • What's the population of Jamaica?
  • How high is Mt. Everest?
  • How deep is the Atlantic ocean?
  • What's the price of gasoline in Chicago?

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The thing that sets Siri apart, honestly, is how fucking sexy that robot voice is.


"Pledge your undying love to me, Siri"


"Ok, you have my heart and soul forever until the end of time, master."



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Guest analogue wings



While Apple’s latest iPhone doesn’t look different, and may not be the kind of blockbuster people expect from the late Steve Jobs’s company, it thinks different, to quote one of Apple’s old ad slogans. Inside its familiar-looking body there lurks a nascent artificial-intelligence system that has to be tried to be believed.
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i hate talking on the phone. how can you people stand it?


Smart Voice Dialer. It doesn't do anywhere near the number of things that siri does.


I can text, launch searches and navigation, and do numerous things other than dialing with voice on my phone



video uploaded August 2010






Wait, i've had this on my phone the ENTIRE TIME AND YOU DIDN"T TELL ME!!!!! I thought it was just google searches. I didn't know I could tell it to do things.

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Ok so the future is a stupid place: You talk to your telephone to write a message, then you send the message and wait for the other person to read your message, talk to his telephone and send his answer.

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