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Ok so the future is a stupid place: You talk to your telephone to write a message, then you send the message and wait for the other person to read your message, talk to his telephone and send his answer.


Well, of course it sounds silly when you say it like that! :emotawesomepm9:

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i love the whole "apple is only better because they have better marketing" arguement. that is part of selling a product!!


no one knew android had a feature and that is apple's problem?




I'm merely stating facts, is it really that far fetched that big a part of apple's success is in it's marketing? you stated that their competitors are scrambling after the announcement of siri, but the truth is that it is apple who is behind in the tech and now they beautifully made it seem like they are changing the world. no one knew android had a feature and that's what made you think and write "whole new level of that" when it wasn't. no, it's not apple's fault nor do i care, I don't care either way.



understood. the whole point of marketing is to get your product out there. apple having amazing marketing is part of their amazing success. i don't care who invented what who who came out with what first. apple consistently delivers good products and this is going to be no different. i don't care if android has voice to text, i don't have or want an android. i have a 2.5 year old iphone and i'm ready for an upgrade. intersting sidenote on the android video, i love how they did it on seamless white biting off of apple's long time look.


anyway, i don't care who flew first, when i fly i get on the airline carrier i like most. i don't care who served the first cheeseburger, when i want a greasy burger, i go to five guys. i don't care who invented talking to your phone but when i do talk to mine, it's going to be an apple.

i talk to my phone and people at the other end hear me, always been that way


edit: i didn't read all the post/s

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wat left try speaking toronto down type.


That was supposed to be, 'wait, let's try speaking rather than typing' on my Android. It took waaaay too long to get it almost completely wrong.

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Apparently Steve Wozniak is first in line for the new iPhone at the Los Gatos retail store. Someone from NorCal should totally go and say hi to Wozniak. Because he's awesome.

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Guest underscore

the voice to text on my android phone got that sentence and the word apple right on the first try, gary.


admittedly, i just type out all my texts, i forget the feature is there or don't feel like speaking a text out into my phone in public ("have much for an oz", "how much for half and half", etc.)

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the voice to text on my android phone got that sentence and the word apple right on the first try, gary.

surprise surprise - voice recognition by an American company works better with American accents.

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Guest Xenblake

Voice recognition wtf. whatever happened to good old button pressing.


And don't get me started on fucking scrolling......

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Buttons? Whatever happened to good old levers? I remember back in the day you would yank a lever and you knew it meant something.

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So I just got the 4s and, like every dbag, I asked Siri to open the pod bay doors, and she was all:


"We intelligent agents will never live that down, apparently."

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