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how is it baph? siri i mean


Seems pretty useful.


Also useful: homesharing your full library on iTunes and grabbing it all wirelessly on the iPhone a couple rooms over (without iCloud downloads/streaming). Could you do that on ios4? I might have missed some major developments since my old 3G non-s can't run shit.


Edit: so basically you can pull an audio galaxy when you're on the same wifi connection, but access everything through the standard music interface (nee-"IPod" app)

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Came across my first one in the wild today and all I heard about was "I can do everything with my voice!" then I pulled out my phone and did most of the same things. But you know... The iPhone is just so much better :duckhunt:


edit: granted, siri does talk back to you so it's faster than the google method.

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This is coming from someone who is brand neutral. I think Siri will be seen as a landmark moment in technology. You can forget arguments about who did what first simply because people have known and talked about this sort of thing for decades. The important thing is that it seems like AI has finally penetrated mainstream culture. I said penetrated. If all goes to plan we will now see a continued mass market demand for AI assistants.

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that cnn article is psuedoscience, i actually just did a report on it a few weeks ago. the video is especially stupid.


here's some counter-information, with a lot less sensationalism. http://www.cancer.go...Risk/cellphones


ps - you don't have to hold siri to your ear, in fact that would probably make the function a lot less useful

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thanks. feel free to trust yours to CNN - another corporation (i know how much you love them) - and be bombarded with claims such as "cell phones are a possible carcinogen on the same level as lead and asbestos" and be told that your cell phone is "basically cooking your brain." i'm not saying cell phone radiation causes no damage; i'm saying the article you cited is shoddy secondary research shrouded in sensationalist hoopla, massive over-simplifications, and failure to inform people of the uncertainty in this long debate - it was written to get ratings.


now let's STFU about radiation and get back to the point of this thread: sexy robot voices that you can command to do your bidding.

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doesn't android have smart voice recognition since like last year or so?




that argument will get an apple competitor as far now as it got them in 2007

First product announcement since Jobs left - it will NOT just be blah we're taking the old model and going downmarket. Some form of wow factor will be present.


Herp Derped yourself on the first page there buddy.


+1 gordo. But there's really no point arguing with the macolyte clone masses Gordo. It has to be compared to attempting to argue Jesus out of a southern baptist preacher. It might work, but probably it won't and you'll most likely suffer an heavy shunning for your troubles. So why bother.


Anyway it doesn't matter in the long run, phones are a basic commodity. No new consumers coming into the market will give a shit about iphone a few years down the road (well unless they were born into the cult).

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feel free to trust your health and cellular membrane/mitochondrial integrity to verizon and at&t "homie"

we've already had this discussion here on watmm.


fact of the matter is - you can not contract cancer from non-ionising radiation.


feel free to trust your media bullshit. but you're just ignorant.

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Guest analogue wings

Some form of wow factor will be present.


Herp Derped yourself on the first page there buddy.


"This escort isn't far from you"

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Why do I keep seeing people waiting outside phone shops to get this?

Probably just for the rush, the adaptation, and the general backwardness of the act.


It's like a pilgrimage of old. You had to suffer a little before getting to see the dusty relic.

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