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Problems with Rephlex ordering system

Guest tmtmtm

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Guest tmtmtm


I see I'm not alone in this but thought I'd start a new post so maybe someone related to the label will get the message, as opposed to posting an answer to a previous post which will simply be lost under reems of jpegs and one-liners (all good clean fun of course).


I ordered and paid for the new Monolith release 21/09/11. Had to reset paypal password in the process so emailed Rephlex via their online form to ask if the payment had gone through, then again to say I'd seen it on my bank statement so obviously it had/was going through and sorry for the confusion etc. No reply to either and my order status has not changed from 'new' (i.e. unprocessed) for 2 weeks. I've emailed them since to enquire as to what's going on and again no reply. My order expires in 2 days...


It's a real shame to have a negative experience with a label you want to support but this is pretty shoddy, especially with the lack of any communication. We're heading for 80s mail order time periods between sending off for the thing and receiving it in the post. Bleep etc downloads happen automatically if I remember correctly (a while since I used them) so why not Rephlex? Are they so loaded they don't have to care about running a label they implore us to support on every realease? They seem pretty quick on the cancelling bloggers' post downloads... apparently.


Anyway, unfortunately the music always wins one over, so off I toddle for some happy, unbegrudging, Monolith-free braindancing!

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I'll be their order monkey if they'll send me rare vinyl that i can hock on ebay from time to time as payment. (cause they're probably too cheap to pay me in real money. ;-] (although the vinyl is better than real money in a way, tis like gold)



also, ...



What is this new Monolith release you are talking about?

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Maybe they accidentally put the release up there, and then took it down hoping that you wouldn't come to watmm and post about it. heh


Maybe that means we're gonna get a nice big christmas update present from rephlex. Or maybe the OP was bS./


Further maybe, this is rephlex stoking the fires of interest and discussion about this update, using the bS OP.


gleh. we're so cool and funny.

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I have had problems myself as well, but most of the time with replies from rephlex. It was something about not being able to get into my account after having bought new tracks, but it wasn't fixed and after a while I stopped bothering and created a new account.


Yeah, it's a bit shoddy. But hey, it's run by chavs.




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Guest tmtmtm

The Monolith release is a 4 track thing, 'Volume 1'. Heard samples from the 12" it on Boomkat then saw Rephlex offering the mp3s...

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Monolith posted this on facebook "Website with tracks to purchase coming soon...watch this space!"


something is up wattum :spiteful:



Sorry false alarm.... he posted this


"Dave Monolith well it's my own project..nothing to do with rephlex sorry guys"

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Guest tmtmtm

... sorry to mislead, not a new release at all tho I'm guessing people more on it than me would know this.


Anyway if I was Rephlex artist I'd be pretty pissed to think my work wasn't actually going to the people who want to hear - and are willing to pay for - it.


Ephing Craphlex!

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It's sad, really.


Imagine what a dream come true it would be to get signed by them... and then.... nothing. At least he got Volume 1 out. Whoever the "new" artist(s) is/are might never see their music (possibly their best work) get released.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone heard anything from Rephlex HQ concerning those problems?


Just now Grant finally posted something on his facebook that is of value:


soon-to-be releases to cue in your playlist:

dave monolith 'welcome' cd

jodey kendrick 'plus ten' (part 2) 2cd

aleksi perälä 'mental union' (part 2) 2cd

steinvord 12" EP

+ 'another'

all on rephlex records of course www.rephlex.com

more for 2012...

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