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I know a boy from our little town that's amazing. He's around 10, and he's been making stop-motion animation for at least three years. It started on our little workshops with children his age, but most didn't get the grip of what was going on. He did.


He already made more than 10 stop-motion animations, mostly about him and some girl he seemed to hate, and this year he made two amazing videos. One is a cartoon, that took him 9 days and more than 8000(!!!) frames. It looks a bit silly but also genious at times.


The other video is about the water baloon and everything that can be done with it. Like a documentary thing. Now you may not understand anything this boy says in the video, but it's all about how he scientifically approaches and discovers various balloon options. His name is Timotej and he is epic.


Another thing. He is a bit known in his grade school and the video got around 100 views, making it quite successful. Now, last I saw Timotej, other kids were still making a bit of fun of him since he indeed is a bit special, talks special and stuff (in a couple of years he'll join us big special boys here, no doubt). I want to make his video a big hit. I want it to get a lot of views, making the artist proud and other kids to stare in awe of him.


Help me achieve this thing, watmm!



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Language barriers man, needs subtitles. Sounds like a good kid, fine concept, waterballons in water was my favourite bit.

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I should translate everything probably, but can't right now. Ok, if at least five people demand translation I'll write here what he says, ok? Or maybe do it in You-tube if I get to understand how to do it.

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Yeah, if you do translate eventually, try to get it in the CC thing in youtube.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

Yeah, if you do translate eventually, try to get it in the CC thing in youtube.

I'd watch it if you hooked up a subtitle/cc translation.

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Oh, those animation are not his (entirely anyway), they were made by the entire group of kids on our workshops. I don't think internet is ready for his solo things yet.

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Guest elliot

THIS KID.. good enough to make me post.Please give us his solo things.

you slovenians are awesome! zizek, this kid and gaargs coke spitting out of mouth inducing mspaints.

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Guest Franklin

THIS KID.. good enough to make me post.Please give us his solo things.

you slovenians are awesome! zizek, this kid and gaargs coke spitting out of mouth inducing mspaints.




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I'll see him Saturday evening at a representation of these animations and ask for permission. I'll also try to translate, as soon as I have any time (shitty this week)


Thanks everybody so far! He's got 70 new views, that should make him very excited!

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I love his video. I think he has real talent.

Discovering weird obsessed animators is a strange thing. A long time ago I encountered a fellow on youtube called greenstonetiki. He was obsessed with the game bugdom and he made these incredibly violent animations on powerpoint. His account got closed or something. An asshole was harassing him. I would recommend turning the sound off because that was how he originally had them.


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