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RIP Steve Jobs

Guest analogue wings

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well macs are for regular people. it was supposed to be simple. and really all this he didnt invent or he didnt do that.. he was the decision man. its like writing a song or painting a picture. Its what you leave out as much as what you put in.


but people are crazy materialistic. Maddening. They are just computers. You can live without your cellphone too. Try it

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Guest disparaissant

seriously, i never gave a rats ass about apple or steve jobs except for one thing - if it hadn't been for the apple ][s at my elementary school, i probably never would have had a chance to turn into the massive nerd i am today


apple I and apple II was the work of steve wozniak though, not jobs.


it was jobs who did the marketing, and made them affordable for schools.

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RIP Steve, you always reminded me of my friend Ben, and he turned out to be a smug artsy asshole, so I've always felt like the Gates to your Jobsiness, but you will be missed.








oh yeah, and i grew up on apple IIe's as well (and eventually a Power Mac at home) and i had a good time with them... then the iMac came out and I lost all interest in macs forever, amen.

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i agree with all the positive things everyone has said and apple/MAC tech has made my musical life better


devil's advocate/hate me


he amassed a 9 BILLION dollar personal fortune and did not share much of it [42nd richest guy on the planet]

he shipped tens of thousands of jobs out of the united states to sweatshops in china to compete with all of the other scumbag capitalistic excel spreadsheet profit driven puter brands.

he didn't invent much of what he is credited for and was resistant to many of the designs/ideas his teams presented to him.


I know i'm a scumbag for pointing all this out

but it's the truth


You're not a scumbag just ill-informed.

Jobs annual salary? 1$ His wealth he got from how the company he was CEO of performed. Company doesn't perform well, Steve Jobs no be no rich man.

His company made the decision to offshore manufacturing in order to compete. That's true. It's also how capitalism works. Now before you rail against capitalism, understand this: without capitalism (and globalisation), you and I don't have computers like we do. We don't have mobile devices that can store hundreds of hours of music and allow us to access the vast store of knowledge that is the internet. We have access to these goods because of capitalism and globalisation.

Of course he didn't design everything - what he did, and did so well, was organize people who could produce goods to match his vision. Whether you agree with his vision is of course open to debate, but the guy is responsible for much of what is good about personal computing in the modern world.

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i agree with all the positive things everyone has said and apple/MAC tech has made my musical life better


devil's advocate/hate me


he amassed a 9 BILLION dollar personal fortune and did not share much of it [42nd richest guy on the planet]

he shipped tens of thousands of jobs out of the united states to sweatshops in china to compete with all of the other scumbag capitalistic excel spreadsheet profit driven puter brands.

he didn't invent much of what he is credited for and was resistant to many of the designs/ideas his teams presented to him.


I know i'm a scumbag for pointing all this out

but it's the truth


You're not a scumbag just ill-informed.

Jobs annual salary? 1$ His wealth he got from how the company he was CEO of performed. Company doesn't perform well, Steve Jobs no be no rich man.

His company made the decision to offshore manufacturing in order to compete. That's true. It's also how capitalism works. Now before you rail against capitalism, understand this: without capitalism (and globalisation), you and I don't have computers like we do. We don't have mobile devices that can store hundreds of hours of music and allow us to access the vast store of knowledge that is the internet. We have access to these goods because of capitalism and globalisation.

Of course he didn't design everything - what he did, and did so well, was organize people who could produce goods to match his vision. Whether you agree with his vision is of course open to debate, but the guy is responsible for much of what is good about personal computing in the modern world.



very well put

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all the love for the apple company annoys me. i dont really like their approach to development that things should be kept "simple" - am I the only one offended by that? they might as well just be saying, "you dumb end user, you'll never be great enough to know the difference between a simple device and a complex one anyway, here, use this simple one, it's better for you".


up until apple ripped off UNIX and incorporated it into the OS, all the educational value of learning about computers was completely lost when you used an apple, because they purposefully make attempts to block the average dumb human being from having to concern themselves with such unimportant things as a filesystem. ironically this was all that was in the computer labs at school. i ended up being a cmpsci major and i never took any course using those labs, they were worthless.

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i had a friend in the early 90's that was THE mac expert. He would help out people in computer labs when they had mac trouble etc. He was also a know it all dick. He loved to make people angry to get a reaction. He loved the attention it gave him. As soon as macs became hugely popular he switched to PC's. He was anti mac. Anti Steve. He was one of those people. A contrarian for the sake of attention. This has nothing to do with anything. Just putting it out there.

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hey im not a big apple fan obvious cuz there kinda anti NDC (basicly the barrack obama of computers) but i was gonna stay outa this thread for respect to a dead man but then i heard something about CANDLE LIGHT VIGILS AT APPLES STORES and had to come in to make a big




thats rediculous

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A few weeks ago, I visited Jobs for the last time in his Palo Alto, Calif., home. He had moved to a downstairs bedroom because he was too weak to go up and down stairs. He was curled up in some pain, but his mind was still sharp and his humor vibrant. We talked about his childhood, and he gave me some pictures of his father and family to use in my biography. As a writer, I was used to being detached, but I was hit by a wave of sadness as I tried to say goodbye. In order to mask my emotion, I asked the one question that was still puzzling me: Why had he been so eager, during close to 50 interviews and conversations over the course of two years, to open up so much for a book when he was usually so private? “I wanted my kids to know me,” he said. “I wasn’t always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did.”



Onion:Last American Who Knew What The Fuck He Was Doing Dies


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Guest uptown devil

basically, i hate anyone who uses a mac.


You're not even particularly good at trolling.

good enough to elicit a response from you.. he just gained +1 human interaction

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as always chen god quick to the dis

his stock options were/are worth 9 billion

according to Forbes he is the 42 and richest dude in the worlds


and i beg to differ about shipping the manufacturing overseas

apple is large enough and popular enough that people would pay the extra 10% in cost

he would have set an example but he caved in and got right in line w/ all the other computer manufacturers




Even though Jobs earned only $1 a year as CEO of Apple,[69] he held 5.426 million Apple shares, as well as 138 million shares in Disney (which he had received in exchange for Disney's acquisition of Pixar).[70] Jobs quipped that the $1 per annum he was paid by Apple was based on attending one meeting for 50 cents while the other 50 cents was based on his performance. [71]Forbes estimated his net wealth at $8.3 billion in 2010, making him the 42nd wealthiest American.[72]



Yesterday in their annual report, Apple admitted that it had identified at least 11 children working in overseas factories which produce iPods, iPhones, and computers. In addition to the child labor, illegal and exploitative working conditions for adults exist in some of Apple's factories as well. Surprisingly, Apple made these findings public themselves in their most recent annual report. But are they doing enough to prevent the exploitation of children and workers in their factories?

In addition to the factories that allowed underage children to work there, some of Apple's other factories have been called "sweatshops." The company admitted that just over half of its overseas factories ignore the company policy that employees cannot work more than 60 hours a week. And the factories in China, where the majority are located, regularly break Chinese labor laws which prohibit employees from working more than 49 hours a week. Only 65% of factories were paying the wages and benefits due to workers, and 24 factories in China violated minimum wage laws. One factory even fabricated documentation to hide their underage workers and workers' rights violations from Apple. Apple has now stopped using that factory.

In response to these findings, Apple has said that the 11 children are no longer employed. They have not clarified, however, whether these kids that were being exploited by their company were unceremoniously tossed back into the pool of potential child laborers or provided some sort of tools or resources to help prevent them from being sucked in by another factory. They also haven't been very specific about what they plan to do as a company to prevent child labor in the future. And almost no attention has been given to the labor violations against adults working in Apple factories.


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