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RIP Steve Jobs

Guest analogue wings

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Anyone else looking forward to this book?


I pre-ordered it. They just pushed up the release date to October 24th, it wasn't supposed to come out till November.

yes. pre-orderred it as well.


until then, the stories in the businessweek are good. perhaps too good.






it's a fascinating record of his business career without venturing too much into the honey covered brown-nosing which is raging at the moment.

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stallman's open-source zealotry can get very tiresome at times.


Jesus wept Stallman is an asshole.

most zealots usually are.


open-source/FOSS guys are amongst some of the worst though. had to end a long friendship with someone because his cult-like diatribe against my choices as a musican (using proprietary tools because they do what i need them to do) just finally rubbed my rhubarb for the last time.


Holy fuck, rms needs to get off his high segway and shut his fat fucking pie hole sometimes.

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apple will turn to shit. its inevitable..I guess that is what everyone knows and really what people are crying about. No more stuff

what's the timeframe you're talking about?


want to bet they're still on top of the game in 2 years?

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

apple will turn to shit. its inevitable..I guess that is what everyone knows and really what people are crying about. No more stuff


sad but true :(

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apple will turn to shit. its inevitable..I guess that is what everyone knows and really what people are crying about. No more stuff

what's the timeframe you're talking about?


want to bet they're still on top of the game in 2 years?


Maybe 5 years. They will be like all the other companies. Have the head of the company be an ivy league grad. They'll start adding extraneous things to be all things to all people and eventually lose the plot. I think if they had an artist running things like Johnathan Ive to serve as the conductor of the orchestra so to speak i would feel more confident, but we live in a world where things work by the same blue print.

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apple will turn to shit. its inevitable..I guess that is what everyone knows and really what people are crying about. No more stuff

what's the timeframe you're talking about?


want to bet they're still on top of the game in 2 years?


Maybe 5 years. They will be like all the other companies. Have the head of the company be an ivy league grad. They'll start adding extraneous things to be all things to all people and eventually lose the plot. I think if they had an artist running things like Johnathan Ive to serve as the conductor of the orchestra so to speak i would feel more confident, but we live in a world where things work by the same blue print.


OK. The bet is on. 5 years.

I'm fairly confident the existing products will be developed further similarly as they are now. Thinking about ipad, iphone and the desk and laptop computers here. But I do agree that there will be no other "magically revolutionary" product. The current apple tv hobby wont come off the ground in the future. There are still too many factors which need to be resolved (he talks about it in the all things digital 2010 interview which is on youtoube) and I don't see a replacement for steve who is able to influence the direction of an entire market (as done with itunes and iphone).


Whether or not some Ivy league grad will be head of apple in the future isn't relevant, imo. And although the "Ive should run the business" point of view is popular around here, I disagree. He should keep on doing what he's best at. What is important, is that design remains as important as it is today. And I don't see any change in that in the future. Even if the rest of the world works with a different blueprint.


The apple blueprint has already been set in stone. They even invited universities to study what made apple apple.


A "closely guarded project"


A new report by the LA Times notes that Apple University involves "a team of experts hard at work on a closely guarded project."


Apple does not comment on the program, but the report cited "a former Apple executive who spoke on the condition of anonymity to preserve his relationship with the company," as stating, "Steve was looking to his legacy. The idea was to take what is unique about Apple and create a forum that can impart that DNA to future generations of Apple employees.


"No other company has a university charged with probing so deeply into the roots of what makes the company so successful."

Citing people familiar with the project, the report says Jobs personally recruited Podolny and assigned him the task of helping Apple to "internalize the thoughts of its visionary founder to prepare for the day when he's not around anymore."


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I am sure Apple will keep turning out great products in the years to come.. I'd be surprised if Steve only designed the iMac, Macbook, iPod, iPhone and iPad, etc... I am sure there are other products just waiting for the right time to be released.

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Anyone else looking forward to this book?


I pre-ordered it. They just pushed up the release date to October 24th, it wasn't supposed to come out till November.


Want to know something unbelievable? That's not actually his hand. Such a perfectionist.

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I don't think Jobs designed any of the stuff that Apple got big on. He seemed to me like he was the guy behind the brand and marketing. Instead of doing market research on what the consumers want in a product they instead created a product and made the consumers think that's what they wanted. People bought the brand, not the phone, computer or whatever.

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I think people have a really warped idea about what marketing is and isn't. If your idea about marketing is "selling people your product" I disagree. Jobs-marketing is a different kind of marketing. In the Jobs-marketing world, it's the marketing that defines the new product. Not the other way around, if you catch my drift. In the simplistic marketing world some product is being made, and then some marketing genius starts to think about how to get people to buy that product. In the Jobs-marketing world, marketing has influence on the entire production-process: design, gui, applications, technical specs, os, you name it.

This kind of marketing far exceeds the way a commercial should look like. In my eyes that's a fundamentally different way of doing marketing. And a way of marketing that deserves more credit.

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Yeah they need an artist but I can't think of any famous person right now having the technical know-how, the aesthetic vision and mastery of late capitalism required to lead what I think is the most advanced company in the world. Maybe that's why they created the Apple University, they will nurture the successor from a young age and we will get a new Steve Jobs in ten years or something. They have like 72 billion dollars in cash right? Should be enough to survive the 2010's ...

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