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Guest viscosity

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Guest viscosity

so basicaly I've been obsessed over a certain type of communication method that I think everyone uses whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Taking what other people say, their diction and the juxtaposition of certain words in relation to other actions taking place in proximity of a discussion. For instance, if someone were to say something but through an indirect way where words and sentences have double meaning and innuendos. The thing is, I think on a certain level people do this all the time and my radar for it has become almost disabilitating. Understandably, people are only reacting to their surroundings and so will borrow whatever is at their disposale when formuting something to say, it's hard not to read into these things and pick out every instance that could be reference to something else entirely. I suppose it's a form of intuition that everyone utilizes without even being consiously aware of it all the time, but I just can't help but feel that every moment of life is bese on a pattern that works through undertone and subliminal subtlties. I'd even suggest that a simple twitch of a nerve, an innocent readjustment of the seat, or a cough are all signs and tells for communication on a more sensitive level.


For me it makes focusing on a conversation in a literal sense difficult. I have become so accustomed to reading in between the lines that I always look at the details and make connections with unrelated things going on around it. I can see that people borrow words when two conversations are taking place simultaneously or when people are being judgemental of either myself or others. The thing is I have to admit that some of it is atleast coincidental or based on certain insecurities of my own, but I can't knock the feeling that it goes way beyond that and is actually a insideous way of transmitting ideas where the person either a) knows what they are doing and is trying to be manipulative or b) is just making simple statements, not knowing that he/she is making judgements indirectly. I should mention that these are not all necesarilly negative, positive messages can also be dispersed.


Is this something that bothers other people as much as it does for me? Maybe it's just one of those things that only age will give tolerance and indifference to. At the moment though it is something that has been bothering me for years. Is it just "sophisticated trolling" as people here could recognise?


Need to get this off my chest and some kind of understanding on this topic.. am I just crazy or do other people recognise this and overanalyze?


being that this is WATMM, serious or nonserious inquiries would be appreciated

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Guest viscosity

well I hardly ever smoke weed these days and I still get these thoughts on a daily basis. My thought process is basically like this all the time wherever I am, whether at work, class, even WATMM. I try to ignore it, but even that can be difficult, because It's very real to me. to be honest with everyone, I have periodic thoughts that this board has people hacking my pc and stalking me..


don't mean to creep people out but I need to talk my way out of this because it really gets me depressed/anxious. if everyone here generally just thinks i'm being weird.. well this will be yet another instance where I was absolutely convinced on the contrary.. and I have to realize that I must have some serious paranoid tendencies..

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Guest fiznuthian

I'd like to clarify that if you're currently seeing a psychiatrist, your best bet would be to see a psychologist for this type of problem.

Especially one with lots of clinical experience.


Or are you actually seeing a psychologist, not a psychiatrist?

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best you can do is love yourself. i have bad paranoia and what you described happens quite a lot. who cares what other people think, first of all. second of all, 99% of the time your brain is misfiring connecting things that aren't actually connected. for whatever reason this happens to some people and it's called 'paranoia' or 'delusion.' it's ok. it's not a big deal. if you can love yourself and love others then you'll be fine.


the truth is, all thought is delusion. even my thought right now that i'm typing words on a computer is delusion. there is no "reality." if you think other people are talking about you with 'code' that is a delusion. sometimes there are things people do that are accidents that you can read into.


for example:


if my friend [skinny] says to me [fat] "I need to lose weight [in reference to himself]" i can read that as an insult to my own weight.


maybe, maybe not. who cares. it is your own thought of yourself that matters. be strong with yourself.


A few times I thought people on the TV were mocking me. It was fucked up. I don't know how but it eventually went away. And I'm glad that it did. You can choose what to think about, and it will be fine. I still have some things to work through, as does everyone.


I don't know if this advice would help but I read a lot about Buddhism, Zen, and Taoist stuff mixed with a bit of things Jesus preached and it had something of an effect on me. Zen is my favorite because it makes you realize that much of your thoughts are meaningless so that you can see a paranoid thought and let go of it.

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Guest viscosity

best you can do is love yourself. i have bad paranoia and what you described happens quite a lot. who cares what other people think, first of all. second of all, 99% of the time your brain is misfiring connecting things that aren't actually connected. for whatever reason this happens to some people and it's called 'paranoia' or 'delusion.' it's ok. it's not a big deal. if you can love yourself and love others then you'll be fine.


the truth is, all thought is delusion. even my thought right now that i'm typing words on a computer is delusion. there is no "reality." if you think other people are talking about you with 'code' that is a delusion. sometimes there are things people do that are accidents that you can read into.


for example:


if my friend [skinny] says to me [fat] "I need to lose weight [in reference to himself]" i can read that as an insult to my own weight.


maybe, maybe not. who cares. it is your own thought of yourself that matters. be strong with yourself.


A few times I thought people on the TV were mocking me. It was fucked up. I don't know how but it eventually went away. And I'm glad that it did. You can choose what to think about, and it will be fine. I still have some things to work through, as does everyone.


I don't know if this advice would help but I read a lot about Buddhism, Zen, and Taoist stuff mixed with a bit of things Jesus preached and it had something of an effect on me. Zen is my favorite because it makes you realize that much of your thoughts are meaningless so that you can see a paranoid thought and let go of it.


ok this is helpful, sometimes it just seems overwhelming and I start to think that everyone is trying to mess with me, knowing that i'm susceptible to that sort of thing. Thing is, I see it being done from one individual to the next. Maybe I'm just thinking the same thing or have warped it in my mind along with selective hearing.. I just can't help being cautious though knowing full well that I do the same thing on an unconcious level and catching myself later.


that being said.. I suppose most people don't go out of there way to offend, and if they do, it's usually quite obvious

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best you can do is love yourself. i have bad paranoia and what you described happens quite a lot. who cares what other people think, first of all. second of all, 99% of the time your brain is misfiring connecting things that aren't actually connected. for whatever reason this happens to some people and it's called 'paranoia' or 'delusion.' it's ok. it's not a big deal. if you can love yourself and love others then you'll be fine.


the truth is, all thought is delusion. even my thought right now that i'm typing words on a computer is delusion. there is no "reality." if you think other people are talking about you with 'code' that is a delusion. sometimes there are things people do that are accidents that you can read into.


for example:


if my friend [skinny] says to me [fat] "I need to lose weight [in reference to himself]" i can read that as an insult to my own weight.


maybe, maybe not. who cares. it is your own thought of yourself that matters. be strong with yourself.


A few times I thought people on the TV were mocking me. It was fucked up. I don't know how but it eventually went away. And I'm glad that it did. You can choose what to think about, and it will be fine. I still have some things to work through, as does everyone.


I don't know if this advice would help but I read a lot about Buddhism, Zen, and Taoist stuff mixed with a bit of things Jesus preached and it had something of an effect on me. Zen is my favorite because it makes you realize that much of your thoughts are meaningless so that you can see a paranoid thought and let go of it.


ok this is helpful, sometimes it just seems overwhelming and I start to think that everyone is trying to mess with me,


seriously stop smoking weed

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paranoia is a waste of time. if anyone's out to get me, and they are strong enough to do it, then fuck it, they win for today.


i'm eatin' a sammich.

im eating one too what does yours have in it ??? do you like its yumyum taste?

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Guest viscosity

I don't smoke weed, although this is the primary reason I drank


I actually got my psychologist and psychiatrist tomorrow. psychologist is a heavy set black woman who is real nice. not sure about her credentials but she makes me feel good and is better then the last two


psychiatrist is some indian lady i just started seeing, so far she kind of just nods her head at my longwinded explanations, asks me a few basic questions about being anxious or depressed and writes me a prescription within 15 minutes. benzos and neurontin are about the only meds that ever worked for me.. and I can't take the former

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snoop dogg smokes weed every day and he doesnt think we can read peoples thoughts. Isnt that right snoop dogg? Right. mmmhmm. haahHAAH yeah. Right right.

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