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i think in certain extreme scenarios psychiatric drugs are completely necessary. If someone is suicidal and is so plagued by their mental inability that they can't function in a job or in a family situation i'm all for psychiatric treatment. I just think it's pretty obvious things like SSRI and other anti depressants are over prescribed by lazy doctors and even worse doctors who get bonuses for prescribing commercial drugs from big pharma. I strongly believe that with the 1-2 weeks it takes to start feeling the 'positive' effects of something like prozac, 4-5 sessions of CBT therapy can be just as or even more effective to someone who isnt absolutely debilitated.

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i have had a similar feeling when conversing since i was a kid. i would describe mine differently but it seems somehow related. it's more of a sudden "surprise" type of feeling where when i'm talking to someone i start to feel objective and very in tune with the mood of the convo. it takes extra effort to appear that i am still being attentive. i don't think i become any more intuitive of anything, but i have always gotten this strange feeling.


smoking weed helps


(actually this has never had any noticed effect on my life other than making me intermittently more observational (?) and quiet)

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