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simple tasks that you perform in the bottom first percentile

Fred McGriff

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I am super confused with how it's possible to not be able to crack/cook eggs, etc., but actually

i dont know the order of letters unless i said the alphabet

I have this problem sometimes, and it is super embarrassing.

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we can never have enough egg related threads.


cracking eggs... i only fuck it up when i think i'm going to..


maybe this is the key factor... approach those little fuckers with confidence.

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nothing worse than when you're making a fried egg, you crack that fucker, and a tiny little fragment of shell falls into the pan and the egg congeals over it. drives my ocd tendencies fucking crazy.


quickly use one of the half shells to scoop it out. it seems to act like a shell magnet.

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Guest disparaissant

apparently i am fucking awful at writing papers after 6 years, i have been working on one for 14 hours now and i have a page and i hate it

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I still have to really think to remember which is right and left. I don't fucking understand how I haven't learned this by now. I memorise long numbers and passwords and I know how to walk around my entire house without stepping on the creaking planks and I can do up a bow tie but I sometimes still have to make the L shape with my hand to see which is left. It's ridiculous.


I have never been able to remember which is East and West. I don't have to think about North and South - North is obviously at the top of the map and south at the bottom. But I just can't seem to finalise the synaptic connection that would stop me having to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" every time I try and describe whether something is East or West of somewhere... Actually, having siad that I can say with confidence that Newcastle, for instance, is North East or Manchester is North West as those things are commited to memory but for everything else it's Never Eat Shredded Wheat.

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I can never do my hoovering without missing a bit. Can't write on an unlined piece of paper in anything resembling a straight line.


I just can't seem to finalise the synaptic connection that would stop me having to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" every time I try and describe whether something is East or West of somewhere


Same, I also have to point out an imaginary compass in front of me like some kind of rainman.

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I get the left/right thing too. I'm getting better, but my way of remembering has always been to picture myself playing guitar. Fucking ridiculous.


Also I never learned how to 'properly' tie my shoelaces. I still do the 'bunny ears'. I somehow lack the capacity to understand how the usual way is logical.

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i always, always fuck up frying an egg. can't get a clean, unbroken yolk, or stop the white going everywhere so it's too thin and then it burns.


this thread is now about eggs.


You got your heat too high. I mean, I can't help you with the broken yolks, but use a smaller frying pan, heat fry pan on medium, then turn down to medium low directly after dropping the egg in the pan.


Also, my mom uses milk in her scrambled eggs. I just about hit her.

only read the 1st page but what you do after lowering heat is but a large lid over your frying pan and it will cook the top of your eggs too making it easier to flip

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Eggs are complicated


Hot coffee loves getting spilled everywhere


But my thing is with addresses. People ask me how to get to my house and my mind instantly goes blank / full retarded, it's worse when I need a cab and the driver doesn't know exactly where I want to go, people walking on my street ask me about places that are like 5 minutes away and after ages I realize they exist but then I don't know how to explain the route. It's terrible.

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I still have to really think to remember which is right and left. I don't fucking understand how I haven't learned this by now. I memorise long numbers and passwords and I know how to walk around my entire house without stepping on the creaking planks and I can do up a bow tie but I sometimes still have to make the L shape with my hand to see which is left. It's ridiculous.


I have never been able to remember which is East and West. I don't have to think about North and South - North is obviously at the top of the map and south at the bottom. But I just can't seem to finalise the synaptic connection that would stop me having to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" every time I try and describe whether something is East or West of somewhere... Actually, having siad that I can say with confidence that Newcastle, for instance, is North East or Manchester is North West as those things are commited to memory but for everything else it's Never Eat Shredded Wheat.


I felt so alone with this one until today...

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Guest EleminoP

I still have to really think to remember which is right and left. I don't fucking understand how I haven't learned this by now. I memorise long numbers and passwords and I know how to walk around my entire house without stepping on the creaking planks and I can do up a bow tie but I sometimes still have to make the L shape with my hand to see which is left. It's ridiculous.


I have never been able to remember which is East and West. I don't have to think about North and South - North is obviously at the top of the map and south at the bottom. But I just can't seem to finalise the synaptic connection that would stop me having to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" every time I try and describe whether something is East or West of somewhere... Actually, having siad that I can say with confidence that Newcastle, for instance, is North East or Manchester is North West as those things are commited to memory but for everything else it's Never Eat Shredded Wheat.

I remember this because when I was baptized the priest made a cross with oil or something on my forehead by down, diagonally up-right, then left so it's just like north, south, east, west.

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Guest viscosity

Eggs are complicated


Hot coffee loves getting spilled everywhere


But my thing is with addresses. People ask me how to get to my house and my mind instantly goes blank / full retarded, it's worse when I need a cab and the driver doesn't know exactly where I want to go, people walking on my street ask me about places that are like 5 minutes away and after ages I realize they exist but then I don't know how to explain the route. It's terrible.


same here, i basically suck at navigation in general and have recently obtained a GPS to which I put entirely too much dependence on. I'll punch in an address and follow it not knowing what roads i'm taking or where the fuck i'm going..


names also. It hardly processes when I meet people to actually remember their name when they introduce themselves. I can recognise familiar faces, but it takes me a good few weeks untill it entirely sinks in. my memory in general blows, so maybe that's the root issue

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lately for me it's writing a reply on here and then closing window instead of hitting send. derp derp




loel, happens to me too, and then the the 2nd edition of the post is usually much weaker

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Guest EleminoP

i'm also always late. there's always something else i need to finish before i do this or go there. to ensure i i work on something i usually keep multiple projects open and accessible so that as one intimidates another invites.

an interesting thought on making procrastination work for you http://www.structure...rastination.com

Thanks for this. I was just puking up tea and shit this morning because of anxiety about not getting my shit done and this article is helping.

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I still have to really think to remember which is right and left. I don't fucking understand how I haven't learned this by now. I memorise long numbers and passwords and I know how to walk around my entire house without stepping on the creaking planks and I can do up a bow tie but I sometimes still have to make the L shape with my hand to see which is left. It's ridiculous.


I have never been able to remember which is East and West. I don't have to think about North and South - North is obviously at the top of the map and south at the bottom. But I just can't seem to finalise the synaptic connection that would stop me having to say "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" every time I try and describe whether something is East or West of somewhere... Actually, having siad that I can say with confidence that Newcastle, for instance, is North East or Manchester is North West as those things are commited to memory but for everything else it's Never Eat Shredded Wheat.


I felt so alone with this one until today...


think of china (the far east) and cowboy films (westerns)?

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