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herbal medicines

Guest viscosity

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Guest viscosity

so i heard that taking honey by the spoonful can alleviate anxiety. fish oil also has had a bunch of positive research on being benificial


any supplements or herbal medicines people have heard of or take on a daily basis? do you think it actually works, or just snake oil

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Guest LucidVibes

Valerian root extract: herbal remedy in the form of a powder/capsule that relaxes and calms. Helps sleep and can give you more vivid dreams! Valerian is one of the most powerful nerving herbs there is. You can use it in varying amounts to do anything from calming the nerves, or as a natural sleeping agent. If you have a high quality tincture of valerian, this can be a convenient way to use it. However, for the purpose of a nerve sedative, a tea is usually the most ideal, and most pleasant way to use it.


Cannabis: Depending on which strain can be used a medicine/remedy for 100's of things and can have many different uses/effects/benefits/results... its something to do with the effect on the mind, putting you in a more natural state of being, releasing negative thought patterns and helping to think use your mind in a more focused way... but much more than just this. Smoke it (with Tobacco in a bong or Vaporize!) for instant effect or extract the THC in a way which can be used in food and eaten and this also have a range of different effects /results from simple pain relief throughout the day and a more relaxed approach, to spiritual insights and lessons depending on what your trying to achieve... basically, do some research lol.


Passionflower: is one of the top nerve sedative herbs in the world, and is one of the best herbal remedies for anxiety. This is the same species that passionfruits come from, although the variety that is used for herbal purposes is slightly different from the variety grown for its fruit.

This is an attractive plant that can be grown in any garden with a mild to tropical summer climate. The Latin name for the medicinal variety is passiflora incarnate. As anti anxiety herbs, the entire flower is used; it can be used to make a tincture, or it can be dried and stored for later use.


Hops:is another one of the top nerve sedative herbs, and thus also one of the best anxiety herbs. This is the same type of hops that is used to make beer. The parts used, however, are slightly different.

The part with the strongest medicinal properties is the flowers – or, more specifically, the resin within the flowers. Because of its resinous nature, a tincture of hops is usually the ideal way to go. If you make a tincture of hops, use a high-proof alcohol.


Hope this helps... Namaste ; )

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Guest viscosity

yeah i was recommended chamomile tea as a remedy for the insomnia i've been having. I've heard of Kava as well, need to look more into it. thanks for the recommendations, i'll check into those nerve sedatives

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Valerian root and Kava are good natural remedies for insomnia, as is marijuana. But the former 2 are available over the counter. Valerian used to give me really bad tasting burps though, and Kava is a lot more effective if ingested with something containing milk like a kava milkshake. Unfortunately my stomache doesn't handle a full glass of milk before bed well so kava as an actual insomnia remedy was never too effective for me. Valerian gave me really intense almost nightmare like dreams. I remember specifically having a dream where i was on the howard stern show and those things from the movie Screamers started rolling into his studio slowly morphing into weird looking cronenberg creatures

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You actually use the exact same part of hops for both beer and medicinal uses. As stated the resin is located in the flowers or cones of the plants. More specifically it's created by the lupulin glands. This is the same part you use in making beer.

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green tea. theres lots of different types of green tea that help different things. but most of it helps anxiety a lot and it also can remove ur pimples and make you feel all together a bit more positive. theres some other things it does but i forget right now.

also ive recently ordered alpha brain pills look them up on onnit.com they are apparently supposed to make you super smart and creative and basically turn your wizardry powers up at least two fold.

the ingredients are natural and not bad for you

and also its supposed to help you lucid dream and ppl who dont even practice lucid dreaming techniques are able to have them when they take those pills

so there ya go

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boil water and put lemon slices and honey in it, along with some ginger -> helps sinuses during colds


You forgot the most important ingredient - whisky.

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Guest fiznuthian

I think a lot of these are bullshit or placebos. Valerian is good for sleeping though.


I think before anyone tries any of these herbal remedies, you should check your dietary choices first.

Eating well should be first priority. Limiting grain intake (anything with gluten really), cutting out sugar, upping the vegetables, snacking on fruit, cutting out dairy all are favorable.

Personally I eat as much grass-fed meat as possible, specifically cow if I can, because of it's superior fatty-acid composition.

Lowering your intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids is a good idea. If you can't afford quality meat, supermarket meat is okay but as mentioned above you might want to invest in a good fish oil. Omega 3 fatty acids are great for your brain, and keep inflammation under control as long as you don't eat ridiculous amounts of PUFAs (most cooking oils, anything partially hydrogenated, supermarket chicken, junk food).

If you don't like meat for ethical reasons or just enjoy being a vegetarian most of this still applies.. A smart vegetarian will limit grain intake as it wreaks havoc on intestines, whole grain or not. Not even mentioning gluten.

If the idea of red meat, chicken, or pork doesn't strike your fancy, eating fish is a very smart thing to do. Most fish have awesome fatty-acid composition and nutrient profiles.


Popping a bunch of herbal remedies to solve your problems when you subsist mostly on processed junk food is kind of like slapping a band-aid on a severed artery.


green tea. theres lots of different types of green tea that help different things. but most of it helps anxiety a lot and it also can remove ur pimples and make you feel all together a bit more positive. theres some other things it does but i forget right now.

also ive recently ordered alpha brain pills look them up on onnit.com they are apparently supposed to make you super smart and creative and basically turn your wizardry powers up at least two fold.

the ingredients are natural and not bad for you

and also its supposed to help you lucid dream and ppl who dont even practice lucid dreaming techniques are able to have them when they take those pills

so there ya go


Green tea is the superior tea for one reason: L-theanine

It's the compound responsible for the calming sensation a person feels after drinking quality green tea.

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also ive recently ordered alpha brain pills look them up on onnit.com they are apparently supposed to make you super smart and creative and basically turn your wizardry powers up at least two fold.

the ingredients are natural and not bad for you

and also its supposed to help you lucid dream and ppl who dont even practice lucid dreaming techniques are able to have them when they take those pills

so there ya go

The fuck? Is this some weird-ass drug? Sounds like adderall mixed with something that makes you lucid dream. http://www.onnit.com/alphabrain/


Either that, or a placebo.

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Guest viscosity

thanks again for all the suggestions. bought the stuff lucid mentioned and made a super tea with it all. the kava works the best though. got some pill supplement and just popped 2 more, almost feel like i'm cheating sobriety


different from a alcohol, a bit subtler but with more clarity and euphoria. my gums feel kind of numb. and i'm literally lolling, which I tend to do anyway, but still. maybe it's the prescription meds and the cocktail i made earlier.


legal alternative drugs ftw

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also ive recently ordered alpha brain pills look them up on onnit.com they are apparently supposed to make you super smart and creative and basically turn your wizardry powers up at least two fold.

the ingredients are natural and not bad for you

and also its supposed to help you lucid dream and ppl who dont even practice lucid dreaming techniques are able to have them when they take those pills

so there ya go

The fuck? Is this some weird-ass drug? Sounds like adderall mixed with something that makes you lucid dream. http://www.onnit.com/alphabrain/


Either that, or a placebo.


just buy the ingredients separately, it'd be a heckuva lot cheaper.


re: herbal remedies/medicines, check out bacopa monnieri (memory retention) and maca (general energy/wellbeing, + possible slight increase in boner index).

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Someone did a speech on Colloidal Silver today, saying that it was awesome as hell (cures everything). I don't know any online resources though, because every time I do a google search I get results from medical doctors.


All I know is when you're making it, make sure it's golden-orange. That way it's ionized, so you won't silver poisoning.

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Guest fiznuthian

coconut has a medium chain saturated fatty acid that strongly anti-microbial and also absolute ROCKET FUEL for exercise..

for anyone who enjoys coconut, yipee.. I started drinking coconut milk every other day. I buy GOYA 100% coconut milk as it has no additives beyond trace amounts of sodium benzoate, which i'm not too worried about. also been buying coconuts to eat and drink their water..


coconut rules

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