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Kraft Dinner thread


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I am going to make my way to the Cash n Carry tomorrow and buy a fuckload of sharp cheddar and parmesan for to make a fuckload of mac n cheese without the blues. + bread crumbs. Also, kettle corn (edit: popped, lol) is a good topping for baked mac'n cheese, and don't knock it til you've tried it. It was served to me that way at a restaurant once and I balked but ate it and was pleasantly suprised. :sup:


edit: for all you suckers buyin cheese at the regular grocery store - there's your problem. Go to a restaurant supply store (like cash n carry) or a sam's blub/costco/whatever you have in your area and buy that shit in bulk. It's $5 for 8oz of parmesan at the grocery store here, it's $12 for 5 lbs at cash n carry.

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I am going to make my way to the Cash n Carry tomorrow and buy a fuckload of sharp cheddar and parmesan for to make a fuckload of mac n cheese without the blues. + bread crumbs. Also, kettle corn is a good topping for baked mac'n cheese, and don't knock it til you've tried it. It was served to me that way at a restaurant once and I balked but ate it and was pleasantly suprised. :sup:


edit: for all you suckers buyin cheese at the regular grocery store - there's your problem. Go to a restaurant supply store (like cash n carry) or a sam's blub/costco/whatever you have in your area and buy that shit in bulk. It's $5 for 8oz of parmesan at the grocery store here, it's $12 for 5 lbs at cash n carry.


there is a sams nearby...but don't you have to pay a fee for the membership card?

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i prefer pepsi, im taking it you are a coke man?


but i would eat a box of kraft if it was in front of me right now. maybe with some bacon bits or broccoli in it too...

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I just had another bowl of Ghetto Baked Macaroni & Cheese (with toasted bread crumbs, hot dog chunks and lots of real cheese added in there)


My stomach is making me feel like I'm 9 years old and feeling really comfortable. Not too bad.

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Cupboard's bare, I'm so hungry

Life ain't fair, gimme some money

Macaroni maniac, a cheddar cheese heart




I love, I love, I love, I Love:



Boiling water, I can't wait

It's getting hotter, it feels so great

Macaroni maniac, a cheddar cheese heart



Repeat Chorus


Well that was fun, but now that I'm all done

Now sedate, I think I'll buy a crate

Macaroni maniac, a cheddar cheese heart



Repeat Chorus


Kraf Dinner


Kraf Dinner

My Dinner

I want it now

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heat some double cream (or single), let it simmer gently whilst some salted water boils pasta, add grated hard cheese or (to avoid effort of grating and also tastes good) not grated soft cheese/blue cheese to the cream (break it up a bit with a spoon).. spaghetti spoon macaroni into the cheese sauce pan, allowing pasta water over in the cheese sauce cause it'll be an emulsifier.. it takes 10 minutes or less and involves about just a few hand movements. easy peasy.


having said that, i like this thread as the alternative to the new iphone thread


aren't you a chef tauboo? don't you make a classic white béchamel sauce (with roux - butter, flour and milk)) and add cheese?


also extremely easy peasy.

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