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Well, you could start journaling by, perhaps, writing your experiences, reflections, etc in the moleskine, or you could... ask other people what you should journal about :cat:

you could jsut even write this thread whole inside it

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Dear Moleskine,

Today Halisray got a journal and WATMM'ed about it. He was happy but confused because it's not very clear what people actually write in journals. Hopefully the moleskine was a good gift but it's too early to tell right now.


PS Fred McGriff totally wants to hook up with encey but he's too scared to say anything, and my little bro keeps trying to find halisray's new moleskine so he can use it to embarrass him at school, that is SO MEAN!

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Maybe make it a dream-journal. Apparently making a record of your dreams (in the first 5 minutes that you awake) helps to build your ability to remember dreams and later control them.


How old are you? If you're older than 20 I wouldn't bother making it a personal record of your life and emotions because that shit's just embarassing.


If you use it for random notes you'll get a lot of use out of it, but you'll probably turn your pretty moleskine into an incoherent scribble-pad.


Write poetry? A novel?


I can't believe I just bothered to give you ideas for a blank page of paper. :facepalm:

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I'm a writer by trade so I use mine to note down copy ideas. I used to use it as a general purpose journal/poetry repository, but less so as I get older.


but you'll probably turn your pretty moleskine into an incoherent scribble-pad.


Nothing wrong with that...

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The only problem I have with keeping a journal is knowing how few people will want to read it.


That was never really the point for me. It's more a way of articulating your own thoughts, feelings and opinions to yourself when you're feeling stressed and confused - at least, that's the purpose it served for me. If I ever go through another period of depression/unemployment/heartbreak (touch wood) I'd imagine keeping a journal would probably be my first response.


This also lets you revisit difficult periods from your past and appreciate how far you've come - that kind of perspective can be really helpful.

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what Ian C says.

Dear Moleskine,

Today Halisray got a journal and WATMM'ed about it. He was happy but confused because it's not very clear what people actually write in journals. Hopefully the moleskine was a good gift but it's too early to tell right now.


PS Fred McGriff totally wants to hook up with encey but he's too scared to say anything, and my little bro keeps trying to find halisray's new moleskine so he can use it to embarrass him at school, that is SO MEAN!


that's hilarious, sometimes I wonder if all of watmm attend the same high school

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