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Pictures of the New Zealand Oil Spill


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Guest Coalbucket PI

I don't understand why this is such a fucking mystery every time, is there not some kind of response protocol that can be devised? A really big waterproof sack that you can put over the whole leaking boat? It's a been a week. The oil even floats, it's trying to get out of the fucking sea. Where are the engineers?

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my solution is zipper tarp. its a tarp with a zipper on 2 sides so u can connect them together in a big ring custom sized as big as u want and on another side theres booys the the zipper tarp wraps around and float up a lilttle to block the oil (its on the top) and on the other side its some weights to hold down zipper tarp so it is perpeductual in the water

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zipper tarps could be mass produce and every ship could have like 100's of zipper tarps in it and they are pre connected in sections of like 25 to make connecting easyer. if there gets to much oil u can just unzip 2 of the zipper tarps and put some more zipper tarps in the middle


how do i make a patent

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ive been to that beach every year since i was like 4.planed to go up there and surf the fuck outa that beach this new years.fuck

rumour has the ships captain was having a birthday and left the ship in the hands of a noob, he just straight up went full retard crashed it.. that cant be right..


oh and i just patented zipper tarps.thanks. money.jpg

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If you up the penalties to make it uneconomical to take nautical shortcuts past reefs, these types of things won't happen as often.

Well if we didn't need oil these thing wouldn't happen ever.

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If you up the penalties to make it uneconomical to take nautical shortcuts past reefs, these types of things won't happen as often.

Well if we didn't need oil these thing wouldn't happen ever.


Or global trade. The ship could have been delivering poison drenched chinese vegetables, that were going to be processed in New Zealand so that the country of origin could be washed off them, so that they could be exported to Australia as made in New Zealand. Leaving Australian consumers to naively believe that New Zealanders wouldn't try and rip them off like that.


Let them and their bloody beach suffer i say. fuckers.

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