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Guest boo

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apparently youths are pointing with their thumbs these days and it may down to improved thumb dexterity due to texting and vidja gaming (although, how much dexterity is there required for pointing? i would have thought it could just be down increased thumb importance, dexterity no matter). also applies to ringing a doorbell. for this trend i'm speculating that thumbing will or already has replaced fingering. kids are also getting arthritis in their thumbs.


but it is, apparently, rude to point. so perhaps thumb-pointing is a softened version, less poky.


i noticed i thumb-pointed the other day after giving directions but that was more of jokey, sideways 'oi get over there!' kind of thing because i'd reached their desired destination before them. pretty sure i usually finger.

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I just realized my best friend is always using his thumb to point. He probably has been doing it since the late 70s (not that I knew him back then), but I needed a thread in watmm to see it.

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so if i'd grown up in these strange times i'd have thumbed all those girls? "smell my thumb!"


also have you noticed how lots of young male youths walk around with both hands down the front of their trousers(usually jogging trousers), nestling their genitalia as if it were a pet mouse?

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