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Fitocracy invites - anyone got one?


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NDB, that means you'll send me an invite once zazen sends you one. We'll keep paying it forward.


2012 is the year of fitness for me. I need cardio for the Zombie outbreak.

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Guest disparaissant

i will continue this trend as i need to get in shape, i just put on about 10 lbs because i quit smoking.

ive got invites to loads of sites

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I'm planning to get fat in 2012 so don't invite me. Need some meat on me for the Mad Max hellworld that will be 2013.

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Guest disparaissant

ah silly ftrgf, it's not going to be a wasteland, 2012 will be a mass extinction, all life on earth dead in minutes. im guessing a magnetic pole swap will scramble our brains instantaneously. im hoping to leave a fit corpse for future inquiring alien xenopalaeontologists.

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Yeah, and I have to say, the fitocracy thing gets really boring really fast.


I find a better motivation is to time myself doing circuits, and try to reduce the time over and over. Kind of like crossfit, but I'm not that intense.

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm getting fit and fucking strong eating a paleo-style diet and just staying active.

Played a few games of soccer and now my leg muscles feel like pieces of metal. They don't go "ding!" but they're very, very hard. Strangely they still remain flexible.


Fitocracy sounds like a really good idea. I hope it takes off. This is what America needs, a social obsession with fitness.

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Guest disparaissant
a social obsession with fitness.

it's certainly what i need anyway


man motivation is motivation feel free to hate

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