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I don't understand it at all, most of it anyways.


Edit: and by I don't understand it at all I mean much of it seems stupid and not interesting in the least. I fart better performances.

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considering women do this every second of every day all over the world, this isn't pushing any artistic boundaries and in our current world situation with population getting massively out of control, i think its pretty vulgar to celebrate it.

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It's feministic art kinda, right? I can't blame women for doing all kinds of shit these days, since most of art done until like the 70's was musculine. I say, let them have all the fun the can, and in a while the'll settle down.


You don't see male artists doing weird vulgar shit now do you? :crazy:

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considering women do this every second of every day all over the world, this isn't pushing any artistic boundaries and in our current world situation with population getting massively out of control, i think its pretty vulgar to celebrate it.


it's not vulgar to celebrate childbirth but to pass it off as art it is. but then there is the argument that art can be found in everyday things. and if you were passing a gallery and heard screams of agonising childbirth would you not be intrigued to have a little look?

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and if you were passing a gallery and heard screams of agonising childbirth would you not be intrigued to have a little look?

This seems like a strange line of reasoning.

my fap-chance-o-meter would be pinging, granted.

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considering women do this every second of every day all over the world, this isn't pushing any artistic boundaries and in our current world situation with population getting massively out of control, i think its pretty vulgar to celebrate it.


it's not vulgar to celebrate childbirth but to pass it off as art it is. but then there is the argument that art can be found in everyday things. and if you were passing a gallery and heard screams of agonising childbirth would you not be intrigued to have a little look?


I rekon, following on from what kaen said. To actually make the birth a cutting edge performance they should cut the head off the baby, with garden shears, as it comes out of the birth canal.



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I love Spaghetti-O's Girl.



I see a fear and tenderness in her eyes, as though she's been baited into the performance by a 'popular crowd'. As though she's performing the most shocking (and subsequently lame) idea she could muster in order to be granted entrance to that room of shitsters.

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i think if ur anti this art ur anti choice cuz she should choose to have here baby in the musueum just like a woman would choose to get a abortion

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