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how many of you are unemployed?

Rubin Farr

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I worked for an insurance company i made a lot of new customers for them,then they quit me without reason and turned of their mobiles so i cant call
them ! nice !

i think it was because of the provision.

now i took a breack for 2 months thank god we have good social system in Vienna

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I think i've asked this hear before but... How do unemployed people afford a place to live and to buy necessities like food and such? I'm unemployed but i live with my parents....


In Canada we have employment insurance... So... while you're employed a portion of your cheques are taken off (like taxes) and that gets pooled into the entire country's EI fund.


If you're unemployed, you can collect EI. It's usually 45-66% of your regular income.

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Been working since 7th grade, it's taking a tole... this last job, which I have been at for almost 4 years, was my first to provide vacation and personal days (have about 180 hours total saved up), so I am looking very forward to using those up.

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*raises hand* currently broke and homeless as well

I'll take the broke part but the sheer number of young hipster pussy you get constitutes a shelter even Kanye's mansion could never provide.


too true :beer:

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I'm underemployed, but learning a bunch of shit about software development right now. I'm poor as fuck right now, but will pay off in the end. Things could be worse.

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I just got a temp job for a month again, with some promising employment capabilities ahead. Have to work through insurance files for now. Don't really know if I dig it, but ah, who knows what will come of it.


Still hoping for that organic farm in Portugal one day

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I just got laid off this week after almost 7yrs at the same company. They axed my entire dept. except those needed to run crucial systems. They outsourced to a cheaper labour force and gave us the whole "business decision" speech in the meeting. Brutal thing is I had been asked to help write a training manual on how to perform all the tasks associated with my position probably 2 months ago, so I just gave the fuckers everything they needed to replace me. The writing was on the wall as we'd been working crazy overtime for like 18 months and then all of a sudden we were sitting around trying to scrape together things to do because they were sending our work elsewhere behind our backs...so we knew it was probably coming but still


I still get paid for the next 3 months and can collect govt. benefits after that but fuck having to look for a new job, which IMO is one of the worst things to have to do...this is the 1st time in my life I've been let go (instead of quitting) and it has been more of an emotional fuckwad than I imagined...has brought back those semi imobilizing head clouds where you sit and stare out the window wondering wtf now...I know I'll get another job but am really not looking forward to having to do so, especially with the holiday season around the corner

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not anymore

workin in quebec while still being a mangler of the french language. THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE BUT LOOKIT ME PUTTING $200+ INTO MY LONGTERM BOATHOUSE FUND EACH WEEK


i mean i guess now i won't be spending 14 hours a day naked making techno music, but with my current budget, each month i work now is a month i'll be able to spend very comfortably unemployed at some point in the future (I might even be able to turn this into a 1:2 working/not working ratio once I buy all the weight equipment I need & get a handle on my dried fig addiction)

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Unemployment is a luxury I cannot afford. To have all that free time would be great, not having to get up in the morning and commute. etc. If i could get enough money just to scrape by on i'd probably opt for the unemployment for a while. But all the direct debits don't pay for themselves and I am forced out into the cold against my will 5 days a week. Might move to Canada.

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I just got laid off this week after almost 7yrs at the same company. They axed my entire dept. except those needed to run crucial systems. They outsourced to a cheaper labour force and gave us the whole "business decision" speech in the meeting. Brutal thing is I had been asked to help write a training manual on how to perform all the tasks associated with my position probably 2 months ago, so I just gave the fuckers everything they needed to replace me. The writing was on the wall as we'd been working crazy overtime for like 18 months and then all of a sudden we were sitting around trying to scrape together things to do because they were sending our work elsewhere behind our backs...so we knew it was probably coming but still


I still get paid for the next 3 months and can collect govt. benefits after that but fuck having to look for a new job, which IMO is one of the worst things to have to do...this is the 1st time in my life I've been let go (instead of quitting) and it has been more of an emotional fuckwad than I imagined...has brought back those semi imobilizing head clouds where you sit and stare out the window wondering wtf now...I know I'll get another job but am really not looking forward to having to do so, especially with the holiday season around the corner


That sucks man, there's really is a sense of betrayal that comes with that. And after 7 years? Fuck. I wish you luck in your next job/venture. Weigh your options for sure: whether it's moving in friends or family or moving to save money, try to consider things like that. Just don't jump at the first 9-5 job unless you're really wanting to I suppose.

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this is the 1st time in my life I've been let go (instead of quitting) and it has been more of an emotional fuckwad than I imagined...has brought back those semi imobilizing head clouds where you sit and stare out the window wondering wtf now...I know I'll get another job but am really not looking forward to having to do so, especially with the holiday season around the corner


Relate to this. I'm employed & fine, but the department can go away any time. There's always a yearly review to see if we're funded. It's getting real close to that time. I'm like, need to get portfolio up to date, need to start doing paintings, learning new software...blah,blah,blah. In the end, I'm imprisoned in the What if's & not the just do's in case I'm finally broken off. Especially, when young kids are coming out with a similar skillset & working for a 1/3 of what I make. I suppose this is how it's gonna be til death or actually taking shit into my own hands.


I'm sure you'll be able to find something though zero, sounds like you know what you're doing. Lotta techie jobs in Detroit right now. Don't undersell yourself.

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That sucks man, there's really is a sense of betrayal that comes with that. And after 7 years? Fuck. I wish you luck in your next job/venture. Weigh your options for sure: whether it's moving in friends or family or moving to save money, try to consider things like that. Just don't jump at the first 9-5 job unless you're really wanting to I suppose.



Thanks dude...amazingly I was considered a young'un at the place. Some were 15 year veterans who are now probably late 50's/early 60's that are almost unemployable at this point...I'm 34 and still have a career ahead of me.

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I'll be taking redundancy next April, going to use the time and money to put the frustration of my current job behind me and peruse some creative endeavors but I'm fucked if I know what I'm going to do next! Maybe turn to a life of crime?

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Unemployed as of this morning.

I need to check out what are my options since I'm in Canada and I lost that 200$ a week for the EI thing. Being kicked out shouldn't help me too much though :/

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Hey, you're that guy who asked Ae ''Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?'' and then peaced.

Maybe your employer decided they needed a better communicator.

Hey, is that your cat in your avatar? It's on a piece of big piece of sushi and it don't look to happy to be there. Also, it's wearing a tie.

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Hey, you're that guy who asked Ae ''Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?'' and then peaced.

Maybe your employer decided they needed a better communicator.

Hey, is that your cat in your avatar? It's on a piece of big piece of sushi and it don't look to happy to be there. Also, it's wearing a tie.


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