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I just came out


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who doesn't like ladyboys though?


In all seriousness, though, I briefly dated a transgendered girl in the past, and it barely registered as anything "different" than your normal hetero relationship. She'd cut your balls off she heard the word ladyboy/if you thought of her as anything less than "a woman," of course, which maybe says a lot about how defensive transgendered people have to be in the fight to be seen as normal... but, really, that girl was a fucking girl.


Anyway, it's possible I was more receptive (not that way) to that sort of relationship just because I'm not immediately turned off by the concept of cocknballs (I'm just being honest), but I don't think so. There really wasn't much "bi" about it. I think most hetero guys would probably be fine with dating a real transgendered girl (not a ladyboy sexworker/guy in drag/ dude with tits) were it not for the threat of being "outed" as something not 100% straight. It's fucking hilarious how everyone has to aspire to be some mythical, fictional, sexual entity of perfect orientation.


That aside, I probably actually would do babar in a dress, which is an entirely different ball game (ok, that way).


edit: I'm not trying to make you feel weird, babar. I'd totally do essines in a dress too.

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who doesn't like ladyboys though?


Nobody as far as I can tell.


I'm going to disembark the train to TMI station now kthx


edit: actually, after careful consideration, I would not do essines in a dress.


Essines doesn't get done, he does you.

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I don't know what to say here, because I don't really know you, but good luck with everything to the both of you. I'm sure shit will work itself out over time, and you'll go on to greener pastures or whatever.

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Which leads me to my next question: are you going to start dressing, cooking and interior decorating differently now that you are gay?

You mean since I wasn't before?


Excellent question. Probably not. I think my underwear collection might change the most, in both style and expense...

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Which leads me to my next question: are you going to start dressing, cooking and interior decorating differently now that you are gay?

You mean since I wasn't before?


Excellent question. Probably not. I think my underwear collection might change the most, in both style and expense...


My understanding is you aren't gay until you admit to yourself you are gay.

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Which leads me to my next question: are you going to start dressing, cooking and interior decorating differently now that you are gay?

You mean since I wasn't before?


Excellent question. Probably not. I think my underwear collection might change the most, in both style and expense...


My understanding is you aren't gay until you admit to yourself you are gay.


It seems to be working out ok for Marcus Bachmann.

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Which leads me to my next question: are you going to start dressing, cooking and interior decorating differently now that you are gay?

You mean since I wasn't before?


Excellent question. Probably not. I think my underwear collection might change the most, in both style and expense...


My understanding is you aren't gay until you admit to yourself you are gay.


How's that working out for you?


Are you insinuating that i'm gay and that that's something to be ashamed of?

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No, it just sounds like your standard christfag closet case response. But I edited to reference Marcus Bachmann because it's funnier that way, and also because I understood you to be joking.

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i feel bad for the wife. are you going to experience jealously when she starts seeing other guys?

No. I don't really have a right to be.


this is true, but how would that even make sense?


you have balls sir, sharing this stuff on a public forum full of douche bags. like others have said, the hardest bit is probably over

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i feel bad for the wife. are you going to experience jealously when she starts seeing other guys?

No. I don't really have a right to be.

Can i ask why you don't think you have a right? It seems like human emotion is an ineffable right, no matter who you are. No one needs a right to feel emotion, that shit just happens!


I'm probably just over thinking it though.

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Guest underscore

i feel bad for the wife. are you going to experience jealously when she starts seeing other guys?

No. I don't really have a right to be.

Can i ask why you don't think you have a right? It seems like human emotion is an ineffable right, no matter who you are. No one needs a right to feel emotion, that shit just happens!


I'm probably just over thinking it though.


i had the exact same thought. our emotions aren't governed by a set of laws. just because you led to the two of you splitting up doesn't mean you won't feel jealous when she recreates the emotional attachment you two had with someone else.


edit: our emotions aren't governed by a set of laws. yet

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Bravery has little to do with it. And I love this forum and it's "lord of the flies" atmosphere. Yes, some of them are assholes, but I've provided substantial evidence that indicates I won't have a problem with that.

I don't see these people every day. THOSE are the people I'll need to nut up to tell, like the homophobe I work with for eight hours a day. I've said "wife" and "married" enough to at least start a train of thought that begins with "this guy isn't a fag, he may talk funny and look shy when I mention vaginas, but hey, the guy is married". This is why I'm planning on leaving my job to go back to trucking, and give myself time to work things out.



This woman has poured herself into a relationship pipe dream, and will receive nothing in return except the other half of her empty bed. My opinion on whatever she happiness she finds doesn't matter, I owe her more than petty and childish territorialism.

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Congrats on coming out, and good luck.

In response to The Pod, why the fuck would a regular on any internet forum, even a pretty open-minded one like watmm, fake being gay? What would that gain for them? If OneToThirtySix had wanted to troll, there would have been so many better ways of doing so. As far as his wife going on his WATMM account, there is nothing really unlikely about that. My girlfriend knows all about WATMM and has been on my account before. I'm sure it was easy enough for her to have found out about this thread, and since she's been discussed so much in it, I don't blame her for chiming in.

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