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Krokodil (new drug)

Guest MortstoX

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what are the implications of a drug that is so deadly, easily accessible, and highly addictive?




i somehow think that this is physically worse than crack and easier to make, since all the ingredients are legal in russia.

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Guest disparaissant

to be honest i'd rather see cleavage.

there's a youtube video, you see more than cleavage. whole hog! except there are weeping wounds everywhere.

frankly if it's fake, it is literally the best special effects/makeup job i have ever seen.


also in the video she is clearly in pain, but probably not as much as you'd expect. it's necrosis, it's all dead and rotting.


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I remember reading about this a few months ago... shit's crazy. I remember that video ^^^ chicks leg was so infected it had eaten a hole to the bone, the doctor was picking out bone fragments from her leg. It's really messed up to think the drug messes people up so much that they get to that state and don't care, they'd still rather seek out the high.

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for some reason this just looks fake to me. also how would the person manage to be lifting their arm in that much pain?


Because it's an opiate and they're not feeling as much pain to begin with?

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"You don't sleep much when you're on krokodil, as you need to wake up every couple of hours for another hit. At the time we were cooking it at our place, and loads of people came round and pitched in. For three days we just kept on making it. By the end, we all staggered out yellow, exhausted and stinking of iodine."


sounds like something out of a HST story


or WSB.

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Couldn't this sort of shit been avoided by allowing easy access to clean heroin and medical assistance to addicts? Having drugs illegal causes far more problems than actually solving them. People will get high regardless of the legality of these substances. And if it means making shoddy replacements of these substances that will make your arms and legs rot away, people will still do it.

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Couldn't this sort of shit been avoided by allowing easy access to clean heroin and medical assistance to addicts? Having drugs illegal causes far more problems than actually solving them. People will get high regardless of the legality of these substances. And if it means making shoddy replacements of these substances that will make your arms and legs rot away, people will still do it.


Well yes, that's the common sense approach. The common sense that's completely lacking from the drugs policies of almost every government in the world.


I go back and forth on this. Part of me thinks that there is a contingent of people who are destined to do really stupid shit in the pursuit of getting high. Take the heroin example. Say that it's legalized and you can get 1 g. for €25 at your local convenience store. There is bound to be some demographic who says "€25 is too much. I will drink "janitor shots" of ammonia, bleach and floor wax to get off. A hole will develop in my torso through which my liquefied viscera will spill out but it's just too hard to stop".


It doesn't have to be available from every corner shop. It could be prescribed by doctors to registered addicts - doctors who could also provide medical support and assistance.

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Couldn't this sort of shit been avoided by allowing easy access to clean heroin and medical assistance to addicts? Having drugs illegal causes far more problems than actually solving them. People will get high regardless of the legality of these substances. And if it means making shoddy replacements of these substances that will make your arms and legs rot away, people will still do it.

I go back and forth on this. Part of me thinks that there is a contingent of people who are destined to do really stupid shit in the pursuit of getting high. Take the heroin example. Say that it's legalized and you can get 1 g. for €25 at your local convenience store. There is bound to be some demographic who says "€25 is too much. I will drink "janitor shots" of ammonia, bleach and floor wax to get off. A hole will develop in my torso through which my liquefied viscera will spill out but it's just too hard to stop".


Obviously there would be these losers who will fuck up no matter what, but I have a strong feeling that handling drug addiction as a social & health issue rather than a criminal problem would minimize the numbers of problematic cases. This would also need a change in social attitude towards drug addicts in general. What says that a heroin addict couldn't be a functioning individual in society with the right care and supervision? We all know that there are a huge number people with rx-pain medication addictions out there that no one is even worrying about who are fitting in well enough to not be bothered by anyone.

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people should keep inventing new drugs. the government can't ban every single chemical they don't like.


yeah, but not drugs like this krokodile shit, more in the vain of 2-cb or mxe :crazy:

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