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Krokodil (new drug)

Guest MortstoX

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'"Desomorphine causes the strongest levels of addiction, and is the hardest to cure," says the young doctor, sitting in a treatment room in the scruffy clinic, below a picture of Hugh Laurie as Dr House.'



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who came up with a name krokodil? it's a Slovenian word, lol


Probably because it makes the skin look like crocodile skin. And krokodil is also a Russian word surprsingly, Slovenian and Russian being slavic languages and all.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i saw a few videos a couple days ago ahhhhhhh nightmare fuel

one of them had a guy who had wet gangrene on his entire leg and it was like.... you could see the bone. and they took one of those garrote saws to it while he was just sitting there in his wheelchair it was. oh god.

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i wonder if this will kill off the junkie population of russia or if it will just grow even larger because of its addictive qualities. i mean, must be good shit if you're cool with having your leg slowly rot off.


what are the implications of a drug that is so deadly, easily accessible, and highly addictive?

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You don't really choose your addiction. People don't think "Shit, my leg is going to rot off, better just kibash the heroin use until i get my next paycheck which i can then spend on clean fun like heroin".


Plus i am pretty sure that drugs such as heroin and the associated addiction, and the high level of ass-poor drug users, will keep feeding the industry.

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"You don't sleep much when you're on krokodil, as you need to wake up every couple of hours for another hit. At the time we were cooking it at our place, and loads of people came round and pitched in. For three days we just kept on making it. By the end, we all staggered out yellow, exhausted and stinking of iodine."


sounds like something out of a HST story

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