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I was shocked to discover there are trams in London, and that Jessie Wallace uses them


yea that shocked me too, when did they start doing trams again?


Croydon Tramlink's been around for quite a long time. It's more of a light rail service than an old-fashioned tram - like a street level DLR. I used to use it to visit a pal of mine who lived in Mitcham. Big NF/BNP/bonehead population in that area, so this isn't terribly surprising.


And no, she probably shouldn't have been arrested. Her life is probably miserable enough as it is.

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Croydon Tramlink's been around for quite a long time. It's more of a light rail service than an old-fashioned tram - like a street level DLR. I used to use it to visit a pal of mine who lived in Mitcham. Big NF/BNP/bonehead population in that area, so this isn't terribly surprising.


Mornington Crescent!

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are you poms okay with the fact she was arrested? genuinely curious


i'm cool with it. ostracise this walking ball of hatred and give her child to someone that will look after him with his best interests in mind at all times.

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also there's a line between freedom of speech and inciting racial hatred. she crossed it. no difference between her and some zealot on a soap box spouting hateful bile.



are racist organizations in Britain illegal?



She doesn't need to be arrested to be ostracized. Let her be ridiculed out of a job and decent wage, arrest is a bit severe. Or you could just fine her?

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i guess what bothers me is that everyone wants her arrested because she said racist shit, not because she was causing a disturbance in a public vehicle.

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also there's a line between freedom of speech and inciting racial hatred. she crossed it. no difference between her and some zealot on a soap box spouting hateful bile.



are racist organizations in Britain illegal?



She doesn't need to be arrested to be ostracized. Let her be ridiculed out of a job and decent wage, arrest is a bit severe. Or you could just fine her?


so called racist organizations exist behind a smokescreen of political interest but they could never be seen to speak like this publicly.


i'm not saying she should go to prison for any length of time but police would have to arrest her first in order to fine her for inciting racial hatred. which is ok by me. sadly, hitting her in the pocket is the only way to make people like this keep their backward views to themselves.


i guess what bothers me is that everyone wants her arrested because she said racist shit, not because she was causing a disturbance in a public vehicle.


why does that bother you?

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yeah, i hear ya.



dont get me wrong, when i hear shit like that my blood boils and im ashamed for so called tolerant societies, but physical force/super harsh punishment against racism only emboldens them to those views, and they risk becoming martyrs for a cause that shouldn't be given any attention.

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I dunno. I think if you harrass people on public transport you should definitely be arrested and hauled before a court. I'm just not sure whether this - repellent as I find it - crosses that line.


If she was getting in somebody's face, threatening violence to a specific individual, that'd be different... as it is, she's just another ranting pisshead on London transport. She should have been chucked off at the next stop and hosed down, but there's no reason for her to spend a night in the cells unless she REALLY needs to sober up.


hitting her in the pocket is the only way to make people like this keep their backward views to themselves.


Also, I don't believe this to be the case, really.

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her hatred is most likely inherited and so deeply engrained that teaching her a new outlook is impossible/futile. so all that is left to do is punish her (fine her) so that she learns to keep that shit behind closed doors in her own grubby little flat.

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I guess I just don't have much faith in the corrective power of fines. Fact is, she probably DOES keep her views to herself most of the time. I doubt she engages in outbursts like that every single time she gets on the Croydon Tramlink.


I'd say the aggravating factor here is alcohol, plain and simple. If you want to stop the outbursts, take away the 8.4%ABV teat. No matter how much you fine her, one of these is only £4 away:



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i guess i take the naive route that anyone's beliefs can fall apart given the right circumstances.



ive known plenty of racists, and while some stay racist, ive known others to make amazing transformations for the better.

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hitting her in the pocket is the only way to make people like this keep their backward views to themselves.


Also, I don't believe this to be the case, really.


ok at least make them think twice about public ranting like this. obviously it would not stop them at home or with their kind.

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Maybe. I doubt it, though. The threat of prison doesn't stop people doing stupid things - like beating the shit out of each other - when they're pissed. The whole point is that when you've spent all morning in bed with Mother K, you don't think twice about anything.

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i see what you're saying.


the only reason this woman wasn't mob-handed off the tram is she's got the poor kid with her. a lot of incidents like this are self-policed by the public and never even come to the attention of the authorities. i admire the judgement and restraint of the people witnessing this...


and i would be surprised if her kid's welfare is not thoroughly scrutinised as a result of this video.

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