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Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET



i know ive been already been asking for financial advise lately, but i need your help again. ok, this is the problem. tomorrow is the 1st of the month, and i dont have any money for rent. im living with a few room mates right now, who have no idea at this point that i dont have the money. i was hoping my mom would come through, but i just found out that she doesnt have the money to help me. in the past, my mom and dad have been there for me when i run into situations like this. now though, my mom cant afford to help, and as for my dad, well i havent seen or spoken to him in almost a year


i have no idea what the fuck to do. im freaking out, im freaking out! im not sure if i should go down and talk to the landlord myself tomorrow, who lives next door (im not even on the lease though). tell him maybe i can have the money in a few days (during which i would try to get a hold of my dad). i have my laptop, which i think sells for about $600 used, maybe i could use it as some kind of collateral with him??? another idea i have is to go to a quick cash loan place and try to use the laptop as collateral. my credit is terrible though, and as for using my laptop as collateral, i dont even think it works like that, its a stupid idea - i dont know what to do


oh my god im so lost. im fucked. i am fucked. maybe ill just pack up my shit into a duffle bag tonight and run away, live in a homeless shelter for a while until i can fly out next week (i already have my ticket, im leaving this place). then at least i wouldnt have to go through the embarrassment of telling my friends that i dont have rent money, letting them down, and then have to awkwardly live here for the next week


has this ever happened to anyone before? whats the normal thing to do here? what would you do? im freaking out!



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my advice is stop doin drugs theyre bad for u and theyre probly the reason u live on this low level of humanity where u cant pay for rent and u constantly are havin a bad time maybe its cuz u drink or do drugs like every day ??? maybe u should get ur self into reality for 1nce and become a human being instead of a psycho crazy weirdo alien dude no offense because u always get mad when i say that but its friggin true u got to look at the source of ur problems and i bet u a hundred percent at LEAST if not 200% that that is ur problem . idk buddy what can i say ill paypal u 5 dollars if u want i guess

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When I was living w/ 3 other guys and was late on the rent I just told them what was going on and they were able to pool together my portion for a few days until I could repay them. Maybe try talking to your landlord if they can't help out. It sucks, but sometimes you have to man up and admit you can't fulfill your promise/responsibility.

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Do the quick cash option if you're down with 300% interest

Try 1300% APR.

I was desperate once.


But yeah, hautlle's got the idea. Your flat mates can't be that unapproachable otherwise you wouldn't be staying with them.

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Do the quick cash option if you're down with 300% interest

Try 1300% APR.

I was desperate once.


But yeah, hautlle's got the idea. Your flat mates can't be that unapproachable otherwise you wouldn't be staying with them.




TRY 4214%







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this and past threads have proven that you are incapable of living on your own, move back to your parents', get and education/work experience and try again.

I have to go with this, it seems the only sensible option sadly.

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You're optimistic and naive if you assume you can just waltz into a homeless shelter and stay for a week while you get your shit together.


Your pride. Swallow it. Your parents. Move back in with them. Your life. Get a grip on it.


Edit: Wait, you're off-lease and you're moving out in a week? Christ, just talk to your flatmates and ask them to give you the benefit of the doubt for a while. Wire them the money when you can. Make dinner all week and generally grovel.

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Become a pro-skater. Marry a model. Move to LA. Get sucked into heroin addiction. Get a divorce. Watch all your friends die one by one. Become a 7th day adventist. Get clean. Write motivational pamphlets. Distribute them among poor black neighbourhoods. Work in a soup kitchen.

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ET, yes I have been in exactly your situation before. I feel for you but you need to understand that nobody is going to help you any more. this is a hard thing to accept and it may not be fair or right, but that's the way it is...

re being one day away from not paying your rent - you need to come clean. stop fucking about hiding from your problems and fucking DEAL WITH THEM. so speak to your landlord and friends today - don't be all pathetic and start making excuses to them. be assertive, tell them exactly what is

going on and what you propose to do about it.


you need to realise you, and only you are the master of your own fate. saying nonsense like "I'm so lost" etc is only going to piss people off - please

believe me, I have been through this. take control of your own life, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR ANYTHING. grow up. stop being scared. be A MAN.

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Move into a municipal park. It's amazing how much cool free stuff you can find in or around bins. Set traps for animals. Try and learn when certain people walk their dogs etc. You have so many options. Remember - It costs nothing to kill and eat an eagle.

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Move into a municipal park. It's amazing how much cool free stuff you can find in or around bins. Set traps for animals. Try and learn when certain people walk their dogs etc. You have so many options. Remember - It costs nothing to kill and eat an eagle.


a cloaked figure, trapping wildlife throughout the city, barely seen except in parks or near farms where he preys on farm eagles.. they call him...The Enigma

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Set fire to a school. Drink champagne. Become a mainstay at the local cheerleading resource center. Develop your own style of hoovering and pay people to watch until you can get sponsored. Sing to the dying. Learn to emote in a way that a cash machine would understand. Become a circus freak. Fall in love with a priest who can provide shelter. Eat out and cry wisely. Flash at a major sporting event. Generate publicity.

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Guest ex-voto

take control of your own life, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR ANYTHING. grow up. stop being scared. be A MAN.


I'm not saying I am a full grown man (yet, I might transform, jesus this sounds bad) but this actually does make sense.

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