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Very low frequency humming/rumbling noise

Guest drukqs

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So, a few weeks ago at about 7 o' clock at night I was reading a book and our power flickered on off for a second. Nothing strange at all, my family didn't even really notice it. Then a few minutes later it went out for about 2 minutes. We figured we had blown a circuit because too many electronics were going in the house. My dad sent me to the neighbors to ask if their power had gone out as well, just to be safe, and they said yes. I walked back to the front yard and opened the door, and there was this low rumbling that started. Around 20hz


With the door open, my dad heard it as well. A very low, quietish frequency hum filled the quiet neighborhood. We directly under where planes fly to land at the airport 7 miles away, and we often hear jets and planes going over, but my dad and I looked at each other and we both knew it wasn't a jet. In all our years living at this house, we never heard rumbling like this. We're almost certain it wasn't coming from the sky because you can hear the distance from your ears, the way it resonates. This was different, it kind of enveloped you, like the sound was coming from somewhere deep, deep underground. It lasted about 20 seconds or so. The funny thing was, I had watched Melancholia the night before and it sounded almost EXACTLY like the rumbling when Melancholia flies by and they are watching it from the porch. It was just... weird. I made a post on facebook asking if anyone had heard it and someone said yes. I kind of forgot about the whole thing until today.


I was browsing the interweb and I found this series of videos, reports and message board posts about this same sound. Check it out.





















Thoughts? It's probably something completely reasonable and harmless but has anyone else heard this?

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I've speculated it could be some hoax like crop circles, except now it's people coordinating all over the world with giant subwoofers and playing low frequency sounds late at night.

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also, remember this stuff?




i saw those things here in sweden a couple of weeks ago and followed them in my car for a bit. there were like 6 or 7 of them, moving really slowly across the sky and making these jerky movements every now and then.


so i guess when the alien invasion starts they'll be attacking us both from the sky and pop out of the ground. 2012.

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also, remember this stuff?






i saw those things here in sweden a couple of weeks ago and followed them in my car for a bit. there were like 6 or 7 of them, moving really slowly across the sky and making these jerky movements every now and then.


so i guess when the alien invasion starts they'll be attacking us both from the sky and pop out of the ground. 2012.


i seen those before and im 100% serious im not fibbing u at all theyre real. they are 1000% real and u skeptics wont believe u cuz u dont believe anything that u cant wikipedia to find the answer. idk if its aliens but it sure is scary.

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most likely some top secret underground drilling for underground govt bases, what for is for you to discern


i've also seen a ufo manifest in mid flight, light up, and disappear, fade out. all in a matter of 2 seconds. real deal folks

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When I was living in Aix en Provzence, I once felt the earth shaking under my feets. It lasted for a few seconds. Then a few months ago, i learnt my country had been testing nukes in the Gardane mine (just a few kilometers away) for several years (they sent a commando squad to close it at one point), in full illegality.

Basically they chose a mine, dig a spherical cavity, fill it with some gas, put a nuke at the center of it, then make it boom. As a result, it causes a 3.0 magnitude earthquake that just looks like a normal mining explosion.


Geologic and Engineering Constraints on the Feasibility of Clandestine Nuclear Testing by Decoupling in Large Underground Cavities


A paper about detecting these furtive tests has been published a few month ago though.





there is also the haarp theory.

here is a list of papers



the russians are doing some research on this topic, they came up with interesting results.

Try looking up "novikov earthquake" or "mhd seismic" on google scholar

An effect of high-power electromagnetic pulses of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) generator on the seismic regime over the Northern Tien Shan and Pamir regions has been studied. It was found that occurrence of local earthquakes after firing runs of MHD generator became higher than before them. An increased level of seismic activity was observed within 3 to 6 days after the firing runs. It was suggested that electromagnetic pulses result in discharge of energy accumulated by the Earth crust due to tectonic deformation processes. The energy discharges in the form of series of relatively slight earthquakes instead of one catastrophic event. Detailed analysis of seismicity of the Northern Tien Shan shows that the electromagnetic impact of MHD generator pulses results in deep and prolonged alteration of seismic process in the region under study and adjacent territories. During series of experiments with the pulsed MHD generator relative portion of more weak seismic events, seismic activity of the region, and its clustering increase. All results obtained by statistical analysis pointed to a possibility of application of high-power electromagnetic pulsed for earthquake control by regulation of seismic flow and release of energy accumulated in the Earth crust in the form of not dangerous seismic events


These papers also deal with acoustical analysis, but i'm probably talking out of my ass here. When you need a geologist … you figure out he was banned.


but really there are plenty of explanations in scientific literature



Barbara Romanowicz, and a graduate student, Junkee Rhie, at UC Berkeley have found out where the “humming” noise Earth makes comes from. The article reports that Romanowicz and Rhie say the “humming” noise from vibrations, scientifically known as free oscillation, is caused by the storms and waves in the ocean and not earthquakes as previously thought. It was found that the “hum” came from the northern oceans in the winter season and the southern oceans in the summer, as these are their storm seasons. Their research is based upon data from seismic instruments located in California and Japan.


\thread ?

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