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Model walks into airplane propeller

Rubin Farr

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the lord probably beckoned her to the propeller so that he could hold her in his arms tonight

those fucking scientist doctor liberal secular humanists have given the lord a sad in this brazen attack on Christianity:(

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"God is doing great things."


I hope God didn't make her walk into the propeller.


the lord probably beckoned her to the propeller so that he could hold her in his arms tonight

those fucking scientist doctor liberal secular humanists have given the lord a sad in this brazen attack on Christianity:(

no, watch he video. apparently God is busy in the hospital doing great things.

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the lord probably beckoned her to the propeller so that he could hold her in his arms tonight

those fucking scientist doctor liberal secular humanists have given the lord a sad in this brazen attack on Christianity:(


aha fucking lol.

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her face was destined for that propeller, they were made for each other, better get good at things other than looking pretty! oh and pray of course, because god is merciful and all that, like he was with your face and your hand and your shoulder and your face.

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lending an extra hand to the doctors perhaps but for lauren, one hand less, forever


edit: i hoped that would just add on to my post. oh well


*prays for myself*

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Guest analogue wings

OK I'm just going to employ my extensive medical KNOWLEDGE discovered by SCIENTISTS and confirmed by years of RESEARCH, facilitated by COMPUTERS designed by ENGINEERS that I learned about at a UNIVERSITY. Yeah sorry for all the offensive words there fundies.


After I finish working my ass off, using time and resources that could have been spent on gunshot victims or child cancer patients, to save your idiot daughter, free free to give all the credit to the fact that you PRAYED REALLY REALLY HARD.

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where's the before and after pics?

rotten dot com?

And just a reminder (not directed at anyone in particular) - please don't post them here.


was i the only one who thought the title of the thread was the setup for some kind of joke?

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