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the story of feminism, as told by women

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this is the video that got me to the OP, which i admit is not a high quality video but i did get a chuckle



someone on reddit mentioned that this was actually a form of misogyny, that by singling out women as being more deserving for favors such as giving up a seat, he was undermining feminist thought, something like that.

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someone on reddit mentioned that this was actually a form of misogyny, that by singling out women as being more deserving for favors such as giving up a seat, he was undermining feminist thought, something like that.


It would be seen as patronising by women if most women actually truly wanted to be equals but here's the thing, they dont. They want it as good as possible like any other group of people do.

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Guest disparaissant

yes because you are a social reject who projects his hatred onto women

dese manz hatin nailed it, grow the fuck up vamos.

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someone on reddit mentioned that this was actually a form of misogyny, that by singling out women as being more deserving for favors such as giving up a seat, he was undermining feminist thought, something like that.


It would be seen as patronising by women if most women actually truly wanted to be equals but here's the thing, they dont. They want it as good as possible like any other group of people do.

those (many) who do want to be equal to penis-wearers in different regards are usually met with some serious resistance though.

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This is so bullshit. The last two gf's I had both took turns paying for the meal, plus most women appreciate it if you hold the door open for them as long as they can return the favor (aka no one likes being patronized) and so forth.


Why is it that people who claim to be experts on feminism are so ignorant on it? Oh yes, I forgot, there's a name for it, it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Guess what, it's very simple. Women are people too, and appreciate being treated that way.


Geez louize.

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I respect feminism, and I like women. I woke up this morning, ended up at this video and found those sections funny [edit: and in a retarded daze went against all judgement and posted it here]. Because it is kind of true, misogyny is this horrendous thing as we can see by my post. People have a hatred towards anybody with a view like misogyny. For the record, I didn't say anything about my own views about feminism until this post. I posted a video and said part of it was funny. You assume that means I'm a feminist [You assume that means I'm a feminee].


Bleeding hearts. I think that is a term for people who are reactionary towards something like this, blah blah blah


Sorry if this offended anyone, I am a feminist.


So, it is an aversive thought that maybe there is more to feminism than just 'I LOVE WOMEN' or 'I HATE WOMEN.' Yes, the issue is that simple, I post a video making fun of / not 100% sucking feminism's dick and that makes me a social reject who hates women.

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So, it is an aversive thought that maybe there is more to feminism than just 'I LOVE WOMEN' or 'I HATE WOMEN.' Yes, the issue is that simple, I post a video making fun of / not 100% sucking feminism's dick and that makes me a social reject who hates women.


I don't think you hate women. I just don't see any standard rules to feminism.. Feminism is not a singular belief, it's a schism and many feminists are at each other's throats over various issues (eg sex-positive feminism is a big one).


It's just weird, it seems the only public rep of feminism I see is a complete straw man. (Maybe because Dworkin was somewhat.. inflammatory).


I also grew up in a lame-ass redneck part of the country where a woman's place was in the kitchen, so I empathize as to why some women go nuts from sheer frustration around age 20 when they take Women's Studies 101.


Women are just people, not a matter of loving or hating, treating them as individuals is what it's about.

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you posted a video that's offensive to around 50% of the human species, got called out on it and now you can't back down?


i'm not going to back down and submit to nonexistent entities trying to force their views down the throat of somebody who isn't even real, about something that nobody involved has any coherent attachment to other than the ego of winning an argument, stating an opinion to hear their own voice, etc, get the fuck out of here with that bushwah


maybe when i made this thread i was subconsciously hoping this would happen. it wasn't conscious, you can take my word for it!

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So, it is an aversive thought that maybe there is more to feminism than just 'I LOVE WOMEN' or 'I HATE WOMEN.' Yes, the issue is that simple, I post a video making fun of / not 100% sucking feminism's dick and that makes me a social reject who hates women.


I don't think you hate women at all. I just don't see any standard rules to feminism.. Feminism is not a singular belief, it's a schism and many feminists are at each other's throats over various issues (eg sex work and porn is a big one).


It's just weird, it seems only one end of the feminist spectrum gets the public rep. Maybe because Dworkin was so inflammatory. I also grew up in a lame-ass redneck part of the country where a woman's place was in the kitchen, so I can understand and empathize as to why some women go nuts from sheer frustration around age 20 when they take Women's Studies 101.


my personal experience with feminism is both good and bad. I've enjoyed some of the truthful things I've seen and heard, which is not much because I haven't read much and quite frankly i know next to nothing.


the bad experience was being in a creative writing class, and people were critiquing a story i did. there was a scene where all these football players are breakdancing and cheerleaders and throwing their bras in the air, and at a later time i said something along the lines of 'she cooked the soup and loved her child' - all I remember is feeling like the teacher [female] had a grudge against me the whole year, it might have been in my head. i recall she made a statement that said the soup part could be seen as misogyny.

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Mary Wollstonecraft said it best: equality does not mean becoming identical with the "other."


To expand, Im still chivalrous to women, because its polite and respectful. Im not going out of my way to treat a woman more "equal" if this means less politeness.



Most feminists couldn't even explain feminism in an hour; some might even say there is no such thing.


These videos only seek to enrage or garner cheap laughs.

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