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Homeland.. is Watmm sleeping on this quality show?

Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

If you can't figure out that many things have changed and occurred in the last 3 episodes... you're being fucking thick mate.


Don't be a short-sighted dimwit. Think.

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i loved episode 2 of this season, where it implied america sends in actual people including CIA field agent females on the ground to do targeted killings, fucking hilariously fake american hero bullshit. Wed take out Nazir out with a drone and everybody around him within a 50 foot radius, lol snipers

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I enjoy this show, it's by no means perfect or in the same league as the wire / sopranos yadda yadda....but it's well executed and entertaining. The last episode did feel like filler though.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

i loved episode 2 of this season, where it implied america sends in actual people including CIA field agent females on the ground to do targeted killings, fucking hilariously fake american hero bullshit. Wed take out Nazir out with a drone and everybody around him within a 50 foot radius, lol snipers

She wasn't sent in to do a targeted killing... she was sent to Beirut just to talk to the operative that she personally brought in that would only talk to her... remember? I don't care whether this show is realistic or not, but it is certainly not completely ridiculous or absurd.


Hell, for example, I think Osama and Saddam could still be alive, have plastic surgery disguises and hanging out wining and dining with the big cats but.... were they supposedly killed by a drone, missle or anything of that nature? No.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I enjoy this show, it's by no means perfect or in the same league as the wire / sopranos yadda yadda....but it's well executed and entertaining. The last episode did feel like filler though.

I certainly don't have the time to defend this show all day, I'm a fucking retard for spending more than 5 minutes on the internet today but....


Brody snapping that sand niggaz neck(edit:after trying to save him, even after that sand nig tried to kill him, then having to dig his fucking grave with his hands in teh rain) felt like filler? Carry finding out that she was right all long after trying to kill herself felt like filler? Brody and hoty pants feeling like they are fixing their marriage and then it getting destroyed probably for good by lies and his daughter turning away from him is just filler?

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If you can't figure out that many things have changed and occurred in the last 3 episodes... you're being fucking thick mate.


Don't be a short-sighted dimwit. Think.


If you have to reply like that to a simple question it means you weren't able come up with a satisfying answer for yourself.


Many things have occurred yes, the overall situation is nearly identical tho.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Actually, it means I did care enough about your statement or feel the inspiration at the time to spend my moments replying in a spell it out for your simpleton short sighted ass in-depth manner. Lawl, just kidding, kind of. Many things have changed, quite a bit... I'm gonna get back to work on music before I have to head to sleep for work in the morning. I may give you a detailed essay on the obvious things that have changed in these stories at a later time.

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Guest Mirezzi

This show definitely got better toward the latter half of season one, but it still feels like it's reaching for greatness that's well beyond its grasp.


It's built around a truly terrible premise and one that makes very little or no sense whatsoever.


Brody was serially tortured / raped / pissed on for 6 years, meets a nice terrorist and his son, and within two years, decides he likes this little mini terrorist so much that following a drone attack that kills the kid, he now hates his own family and the entire United States. He doesn't just hate them. He's ready to be a suicide bomber! To put it mildly, the show is peddling neoconservative fear pornography.


Everything that follows from this premise falls apart as a result. I was really interested in this show right at the point where we're led to believe that our assumptions about Brody and his muslim faith were unfair and prejudicial. I was ready to like him as a character and appreciate his serenity or whatever. Instead, they went the obvious route of conflating Islam and Terrorism.



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I'm sure they have plans to take this much farther than Brody. It's a well made program, great acting, great writing, great directing, great music etc. etc.


This season has been intense so far, after everyone was so worried that Brody not hitting the detonator was the end of this show, the worry warts are wrong so far. Good shit.

i not like

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This show definitely got better toward the latter half of season one, but it still feels like it's reaching for greatness that's well beyond its grasp.


It's built around a truly terrible premise and one that makes very little or no sense whatsoever.


Brody was serially tortured / raped / pissed on for 6 years, meets a nice terrorist and his son, and within two years, decides he likes this little mini terrorist so much that following a drone attack that kills the kid, he now hates his own family and the entire United States. He doesn't just hate them. He's ready to be a suicide bomber! To put it mildly, the show is peddling neoconservative fear pornography.


Everything that follows from this premise falls apart as a result. I was really interested in this show right at the point where we're led to believe that our assumptions about Brody and his muslim faith were unfair and prejudicial. I was ready to like him as a character and appreciate his serenity or whatever. Instead, they went the obvious route of conflating Islam and Terrorism.




my friend is now watching the show in the mind state you used to be in about it, that it was trying to play on terrorist fears to make a point that people are more nuanced and not what they seem on the surface (that brody is just conflicted and he is not a sleeper cell terrorist) unfortunately once they threw that out the effing window the show is really no more intelligent than 24, it's just now peddling the propaganda in a way that Obama fans can dig. Boy is he going to be disappointed when he finds this out. In some ways I respect horrible shows like Sleeper Cell (another Showtime 'hit') and 24 more since they are just ridiculously over the top and believable, but i can see the average Harpers or New Yorker magazine Obama fan just eating Homeland up for it's 'believability' just like they ate up the horrible film Hurt Locker.

I remember a friend of mine years ago telling me Hurt Locker was 'anti war' and whatever, and it was the best 'anti war' film of our generation. And i reminded him of the abysmal state of our generation when 'anti war' films before i was born were like Deerhunter, and we never spoke about it again.

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so the CIA know (well Saul does) that the guy in the office next door to the president is a terrorist, and he waits until he's flown back business class to call it in?! Jesus wept.


That whole episode basically was Saul flying and Brody fucking about in the woods.

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Well they certainly put a twist on how this show could have proceeded. Some of these plotlines could have been extended to a whole season, but they just go through them and put it on different rails every week.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mirezzi

Yep. This show, for all the issues one might have with its politics, at least has writers and producers with balls, unlike Breaking Bad.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

i have no idea how this show can run 7 seasons or whatever they promised. will brody just keep switching allegiances each season?


whilst enjoying some elements i am now more watching to see what the hell else they come up with to keep it going

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Yep. This show, for all the issues one might have with its politics, at least has writers and producers with balls, unlike Breaking Bad.


Really? I'm surprised to hear you say this especially after the last episode which essentially reset the story impact of the video evidence of Brody being a suicide bomber. They captured him, threatened him and then let him go to try and turn him into a double agent? It seems ludicrous and very poorly written to me

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Yep. This show, for all the issues one might have with its politics, at least has writers and producers with balls, unlike Breaking Bad.


Really? I'm surprised to hear you say this especially after the last episode which essentially reset the story impact of the video evidence of Brody being a suicide bomber. They captured him, threatened him and then let him go to try and turn him into a double agent? It seems ludicrous and very poorly written to me


So you hate the show but keep watching it?

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm saying that Brody needed to be caught because his shenanigans and all the cliffhanging cockteasery was getting a bit fucking ridiculous.


Meanwhile, in Breaking Bad, it took 5 seasons for Hank to take a dump and discover the truth. Like, it wasn't bad enough that he'd been slapped in the face with Walt's dick at least a thousand times leading up to finding that book.

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