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I got arrested last night


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So I do sound at a bar in SF, and every once in a while, one of the employees will get super drunk and sleep in the bar. Last night, I had just such an inkling. I wanted to set up our cot on the roof and snooze while staring up at the night sky.


Well the neighbors saw me up there and thought I was a burglar or something, so they called the cops. Apparently, I got charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest. Had to spend most of the night in the drunk tank by myself and didn't get out til about 10:45am. I still haven't slept since yesterday.


And now I have to go to a hearing next week. The thing I don't understand is how can they charge me for public intoxication for being drunk on the roof of my workplace? I wasn't doing anything illegal until they hauled me out of there.


One off the bucket list, I guess.

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Next time, while on the roof, just stand there with a smile on your face and do a slow 360 while waving. They might think you're a tard rather than a burglar.


And, did you actually resist arrest? Tell us about it.

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I got arrested for Public Intoxication in Utah. How much was your bail? I think mine was about 1k, but the friend I was with was under 21 so I had to pay 2k for him.

The 'court date' was bollocks, though. I just had to stand-up and apologise. I think I even apologised on behalf of Britain. It was a proper spanking, lol.


I'm going to America for the first time since in a few days. I hope they don't question me about it at the airport.

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Oh God, and I just remembered. The morning they let us out of the drunk tank the cops just pushed us out the door and into the middle of nowhere. We were too scared to go back in and ask for a taxi number so we just started walking the highway again (we were arrested for walking up the highway in a snowstorm, both obliterated on vodka). Our cigarettes ran out when we got to a bumpkin-lookin' home depot place. We were talking to the staff, but they couldn't get passed our English accents. I guess they were worried because we looked like shit too.

Anyway, a kind family overheard us and offered us a ride into town. It wasn't until we were in the car; in the back with their young daughter, that I realised how Christian they were. One of those fish symbols on the windows, Christian music. During conversation we got onto the subject as they wondered how religious Britain was. I just said that my dad was Catholic and I had been baptised.

The girl asked why we had been out there and the dad must have added it up already that we had been arrested and managed to change the conversation. I felt so ashamed. I don't think I'd ever felt so ashamed, and I could see the mothers face turn to worry as she realised too.


Anyway, they dropped us off and we made some vague allusions to going to visit their church to say thank you or whatever.


I wondered if they took that route intentionally to pick up jailbirds, or whether one of them was a cop and knew we'd be walking that road.

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Is your manager sympathetic?


This. Assuming he/she is (which sounds to be the case, as you mention employees occasionally crash there), then:

- there's no trespassing, nor public intoxication, since you had consent to be on another's private property;

- Presuming you were just lying on a cot on the roof, you weren't in any way disturbing the peace;

- You can make the argument that the resisting arrest charge be thrown out, since you weren't doing anything to warrant police intervention in the first place.


R. Augustus Dobalina, Esq.

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I'm assuming the cop wasn't female or it would have been easy for you to get out of. amirite?

In Braintree's case, indeed. :sup:

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getting arrested sucks dicks, sitting in a cell with nothing to do for 22 hours is the most inhumanely boring and worrying thing ive ever experienced.


It was intensely boring. Sleep was my only way to deal with it, but the cells are so uncomfortable. Mine had a tiny concrete bench which I had to curl up on and they didn't give me a blanket until I'd already woken up.

I took another breathalyser test in the morning and they threw me back in the tank for another 6 hours. Fed me an uncooked clearly newspaper-heavy burger and dry carrot sticks. And then my buddy blocked the toilet.


The 3 hours or so that I was awake were very testing though. It's terrifying to be locked in an uncomfortable room without being told when you'd be let out.

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The hearing is a trick. Theyre going to put you in Guantanamo Bay and interrogate you about the new Aphex album.


Thats what they do in America right? Beat the shit out of you till you tell them something you dont know about.

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i got put in the drunk tank once

i was at a big house party and a police man came to the door ordering everyone out and i ran back in to the house after being told not too...i was really beyond trashed, so, time goes by and i'm eventually outside on the road with everyone else, same police man is like "hey you"! to me, so i take off down the street running as fast as i can and whip into a house that i see some people from the party are going to. it turns out i knew these people but i'm not exactly welcome so i walk back outside minutes later, totally forgetting the police man and why i was running away in the first place, he's waiting for me and i walk faster walking up to the next house door pretending to knock. police is like, "that's not your house is it?.. tells me to get in his car and he'll drop me off home. he takes me downtown instead and i'm in solitary confinement for the rest of the night in a little concrete room.

it was a good story though and my friends that were there got a kick out of it.

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Oh God, and I just remembered. The morning they let us out of the drunk tank the cops just pushed us out the door and into the middle of nowhere. We were too scared to go back in and ask for a taxi number so we just started walking the highway again (we were arrested for walking up the highway in a snowstorm, both obliterated on vodka). Our cigarettes ran out when we got to a bumpkin-lookin' home depot place. We were talking to the staff, but they couldn't get passed our English accents. I guess they were worried because we looked like shit too.

Anyway, a kind family overheard us and offered us a ride into town. It wasn't until we were in the car; in the back with their young daughter, that I realised how Christian they were. One of those fish symbols on the windows, Christian music. During conversation we got onto the subject as they wondered how religious Britain was. I just said that my dad was Catholic and I had been baptised.

The girl asked why we had been out there and the dad must have added it up already that we had been arrested and managed to change the conversation. I felt so ashamed. I don't think I'd ever felt so ashamed, and I could see the mothers face turn to worry as she realised too.


Anyway, they dropped us off and we made some vague allusions to going to visit their church to say thank you or whatever.


I wondered if they took that route intentionally to pick up jailbirds, or whether one of them was a cop and knew we'd be walking that road.


This is a good story but why in happy hell would you go to Utah?

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I got arrested and detained once. apparently I was resisting arrest and tried to tackle a cop or some such nonsense. was pepper sprayed and had a spit bag put over my head during transport. that shit burns for a week


good times

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