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what are your favorite qualities in humans?

Fred McGriff

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I really, really like sincerity. I can at the very least appreciate that on some level even if the person is being a sincere annoying loudmouth. I just love it when people do and say what they mean. Like someone who screams in a library just because they want to. The epitome is of this when someone looks you in the eye and you can tell they love you sincerely.


I also like curiosity. Curious people are showing genuine interest in life, which is almost always a good environment to be in. It's amazing what you can learn about all the things you take for granted when you are round a curious person.


Innocence is nice. This goes with curiosity I think. I have an unfortunate distrust of people who "know to much." It might have to do with my own lingering self distrust. I gravitate towards people I feel safe around. People I know I can trust.


Open-mindedness. Also probably a derivative of innocence and curiosity. Someone who isn't going to judge you. Someone who isn't going to look at you and wonder where you've been, what you've done -- they simply acknowledge that you are there at this moment, and they are happy for that. They genuinely could not possibly give a shit about what car you drive or what you look like or what you do for a living. They just say, be here with me and let's experience this moment together.


This is a love letter to my baby daughter.

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excellent post fred. you covered that shit. I was going to say integrity, openness, and that electrical feeling you get around some people who are conduits to huge sources of energy. The ones who are super alive.

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I like them best when taken happy, fast/sharp/light footed, positive, open and surprisingly fresh. Those are generally the people that send sparks of interest through my brain.

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not being a hypocrate


not hating everything

not thinking your better then everyone else when ur not

fighting the power

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A nice rack and a willing attitude.

An ass that just doesn't quit.


Seriously though, Fred you covered most of it. Sincerity and curiosity are great traits to have.

also "too".

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Guest kokeboka

On top of everything Fred mentioned, I would add humility. I see it as a special form of sincerity - humility (and drive to better oneself) is one of those things that sets great people apart. Empathy/niceness is also something I value. It doesn't sound like a grand virtue, but being a friendly person is a small gesture that can make a big difference to other people. Especially if you're being served by them (or dealing with someone beneath you at work) - I hate guys who push people around just because they're serving them food, for instance.

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The ability of people keeping their word is something I hold dearly. Many people I knew in Florida was like this. Here in California, our closest friends can't do this.


Being able to hone up to mistakes is another thing I love when admitted. I don't know many people that do this. I've only met a small few and always admired them.


Its a bit easier to find things you don't like about people though.

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1. honesty/sincerity

2. kindness/fairness

3. ... I'm looking for a term that means the opposite of superficial and can't think of anything appropriate

4. loyalty/integrity

5. humor

6. creativity/intelligence

7. weird things

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I'm a misanthropist, so I wouldn't say I have a 'favourite quality' as such, when it comes to humanity.


Humans seem to be unaware that they have completely failed to create a decent society. They have wiped out almost all animals that haven't been domesticated, destroyed most of the original landscape on Earth, and in its place, created a society where human instinct is tragically mismatched with the way people are expected to behave.


This leads to most of today's problems. I could go on, but the gist of it is that humans are fundamentally flawed.

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