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Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

So i was just laying by the fireplace with my cat on my stomach in the room beside the kitchen and my wife is telling me about her day and then asks if I can come into the kitchen b/c she needs help thinking about what to do with "some chicken." I say, "um I can help you from here, what chicken" then she's like just some chicken right here I need you to come here to talk about this." and so I'm like "ah um how about we continue our talking but we just change the subject from your workplace to chicken. that sounds like it will accompliish what you want and will also allow me to continue laying here by the fire which is pretty nice."


then she goes quiet for about ten seconds and then she starts muttering to herself and I start thinking here we go....


so i walk into the kitchen and she says look at these chickens i'm too tired and not in the mood to cook them and we dont have like the big zip-lock bags and i dont think i should use saran wrap do you think i should do that what if I just put them in a big bag can i put them in the freezer?. so bend my head down to look at the chicken close up and say "are these the chicken right here that you are asking me about?" now ive got my stride going... "if these are the chickens we are talking about I'm glad that I came in here because I was not picturing chickens in my head when you described them as such.... but now that i've had a look at them i think that putting them in a bag would probably be the only logical thing to put them in at this point.... unless you wanted to hang them from the chandelier... did you consider that? or maybe we could sit them at the table and they could have supper with us."


then she starts going on about how sometimes she needs to just have me around when she needs me and i say that in fact she did not need me (im not a therapist to my wife so dont pursue that angle please). and then i tell her that she needs to eat b/c she just worked out for an hour and it's supper time and that she's being irrational.


anywayz then she you wanna see irrational how about this.... then drops an entire dozen eggs on the floor which i then have to clean.


joys of marriage.


what's your girl/boy do?

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The obvious solution to this whole thing would have been to order a pizza and then 69 until the pizza guy shows up and then if the pizza guy looks like an innocent rube induct him into some seriously dark sexual shit, preferably with your wife's BAM XL Realistic Dildo and maybe the aforementioned chickens.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

women be shoppin'!


i read that twice and couldn't work out what was going on with the chickens


keep fuckin' that chicken!

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Guest Xenblake

If your wife is the insecure type, then maybe she had something deeper on her mind that she wanted to talk to you about and the chickens were an excuse to get you in the same room as her. Then after your joking around she felt hurt and backed out. Cause you know, you should be able to read her mind right?

Or maybe the subject was the chickens and you making fun of the situation made her feel dumb and indecisive and she got defensive.


Or....was it her time of the month? Cause in that case. Well you know, eggs are gonna break.

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The obvious solution to this whole thing would have been to order a pizza and then 69 until the pizza guy shows up and then if the pizza guy looks like an innocent rube induct him into some seriously dark sexual shit, preferably with your wife's BAM XL Realistic Dildo and maybe the aforementioned chickens.

yeah or do the cooking rather than downing booze and getting smelly feet smell everywhere

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My gf drives me insane sometimes...very similar to how you put it franklin..though i usually dont get confrontational.



I think that's actually part of my problem, is that I don't confront her acting irrationally...but on the other hand if I do confront her I'm a bad guy and I'm trying to hurt her feelings.


I am honestly starting to tire of being psychologically beat down and being told I am the villain in every possible situation. If I make her feel horrible no matter what I say it must be a clear sign that we shouldn't be together.

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