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Guest Lady kakapo

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BTW, not that anyone cares as I'm not Scottish, but all of my posting in here is not to say that I'm opposed to Scottish independence. I'm merely pointing out that there are many issues that will make it a much more difficult proposition than has been made out by some.


I'm interested in the matter because i have a lot of family in England, many up north.

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i'm scottish, i'll be voting yes tomorrow...


in reality i feel a yes vote will just be taking the country from a bunch of rich english cunts and handing it to a bunch of rich scottish cunts... :~/

same (w)banker friends, same media friends, same offshore tax havens, same same same


in my dreams we become a new utopia, where green energy frees us all from the fossil energy companies, where we jail the bankers and get our share of the bailout money back, where we discover a new way to conduct commerce and we become weed and magic mushroom farmers and bring peace to the universe and beyond... lol


we'll probably shite it and vote no

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cheers delet, i like the how you say its as much mine as theirs (i haven't been thinking about it like that) thats what we all need to realise... not just in scotland but the whole planet...


i guess if we get independence its a sign for everyone to start taking it all back from these profiteering, earth killing cuntards

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Part of me really wants me for this to happen, I've read that Scotland will try and copy the Scandinavian welfare-model, with Norway as main inspiration (considering the oil). And who wants to be part of a conservative oppressive government?


The other part of me tells me it might come and bite them in the ass a few years from now. Before they can enter EU, they have to go through an accession process, which means they have to completely take care of themselves for quite some time, and are they really ready for such huge societal conversions?



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there is an unconfirmed rumour that the pubs will be able to stay open until the results at 6am, which may not seem like a much of a big deal in london, buts its fairly wild up here.

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" Falkirk Polling Station has closed already...100% of voters have voted already."


posted a few hours ago!


been out driving folks to polling stations.... seems more Yes atm on the street here in Glasgow. Now to wait and see!!!!

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The last poll I saw said 53% no, that means fuck all though. Also, can't this vote be rigged just like any other election? To be honest I don't care what you Scots do, just don't treat me like David Cameron next time I come over to visit.

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