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Guest Lady kakapo

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I went to vote at 7.30pm and there was ''No Thanks'' campaigners right outside the entrance of the polling place as if they were going to be able to influence people at this late stage, one of them was shaking maraca's (presumably to give the event a festival atmosphere) which i found sorely misjudged, although not quite as misjudged as that ghastly Piers Morgan tweet from last week when he said Scotland had had their fun. If independence is a goer, the No people can look back at that tweet as the turning point. Although, perhaps that is giving Morgan too much credit..., i will say that any undecideds who saw that will have been swayed, and with this result looking like it's going to be tighter than a mosquito's fart box, it could be decisive.

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There will be some sadness to see Scotchland leave the union, things are ok just now, but there's still a lot wrong and it is the same throughout the UK. This government and the governments of the bygone era have made some epic blunders. I look upon independence as a way of not having to suffer these pompous twats at Westminister making choices out of their jurisdiction. One example is welfare reform, which had to be done, but they ballsed it up and some of the most vulnerable people in society suffered. Jobsworths and penpushers sent out to intimidate disabled people. That is pretty wrong. And the tories shat on their own doorstep with that bedroom tax shit, that was an embarrassment. And they are unwavering in their unwillingness to be drawn into a debate anyone who complains about it. They don't have answers. I think they themselves are ashamed by that policy. For me, the most appealing thing about a Yes vote is delving into the unknown, there is risk, but i have more faith in SNP than those muppets at Westminister. Plus, you only get one shot at this. I'm sure there will be mistakes, but i think they'll be more inclined to address them on a human level when it's their own back yard. All 3 of the main party leaders lack vital charisma. Also, the Scottish Tory leader is one of the most unappealing creatures out there, that asshole needs to be shelved, a dreadful communicator, it serves no purpose.

So, even though i had made my mind up ages ago, now that we are on the eve of potential change and the vote has been cast into the ballot box tonight, i think my reasoning has differed from a year ago, i'm less patriotic and more common sense. Or maybe it was just those maraca's.

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Shit'll get fucked if Scotland go

Shits fucked up already, but it will get worse.


It takes something like this to make things less fucked up. Seeing these party leaders in a state of panic trying desperately get people on board holds a mirror up to them and shows them the error of their ways. The rest of the UK will benefit in the long run because those 3 muppets have shown weakness and will be forced to realize they can't keep avoiding the issues people have with them.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I will not be able to tolerate the smugness from Salmond the Gloating Toad and his fucking munter of a sidekick. So I hope it's a no!



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I just realized that, should Scotland fuck off, the Union Jack will lose its blue color. It will just be red on a white background, like a hollywood comedy movie poster

I wonder if Wales will be allowed to be represented on the Union Jack if Scotland fucks off?

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth



lol what? Even if you take into consideration the fact that there's a glaring typo there, the result isn't even the right way round? Independent is saying the final poll is looking like No is 8 points ahead http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/live/scottish-independence-referendum-live-latest-as-scotland-decides-yes-or-no-9738657.html


Incompetence overload

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It's probably old people versus young people, so if you don't get it this time, have another go in five-six years. I wonder how much money they spent trying to rig it as well. also, fuck you 53.8 per cent of clackmannashire. ;-p

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It's probably old people versus young people, so if you don't get it this time, have another go in five-six years.

Not up to speed with Scottish demographics, but my guess is that their population, like most of the west's, is aging. 5 or 6 years may not be enough...

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Shit, thats pretty disappointing. I originate from clacks, smallest county in scotland, my parents and sis are still there were -- all yessers. My mum texted me today to confirm. It's kinda weird to see their vote counted for nothing. Not a good start.

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oh well, regroup and try again in five years. You only have to win once. I am quite saddened though, loss (almost reported as the counting goes at this stage) must be the result stockholm syndrome. One day your countrymen that voted no will also be able to show the world that there's something swinging proudly under those kilts.


;-/ /-;




THE VOTE SO FAR: YES - 1,036,810 (46.34%) NO - 1,200,695 (53.66%)

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That CNN image shows the result of a ScotCen poll, not official tally results. No typo, and nothing to do with ballot counts. They called 2000 people, asked them leading questions to manipulate the results, and threw it on TV for wow-factor and a ratings boost.


oh well, regroup and try again in five years. You only have to win once. I am quite saddened though, loss (almost reported as the counting goes at this stage) must be the result stockholm syndrome. One day your countrymen that voted no will also be able to show the world that there's something swinging proudly under those kilts.


;-/ /-;




THE VOTE SO FAR: YES - 1,036,810 (46.34%) NO - 1,200,695 (53.66%)



This ^^


Stockholm Syndrome + fear of the unknown.

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Everybody wins :cisfor:


Well, it's looking like No right now which is a bummer after all the pro-independence campaign's hard work - but I do think it has sent a powerful message to Westminster and impressed the need for power to be more distributed. Also the high turnout is a great credit to the people of Scotland, I wish people were that aware and engaged here. It'll be interesting to see where things go next.


Also if Piers Morgan utters a word in public about this I will heartily support him being fed to Nessie, in small quivering pieces.

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im commenting on this as an outsider and honestly i have little to no idea the consequences either way or how things are working (or not working) currently.


but the thing that really seemed funny to me was when i saw some things talking about the queen asking/begging scots not to let her be their last queen. i read that as basically 'pls dont let me be the last of a line of rich people born into modern nobility. pls dont let me be the last rich old hag who never had to do shit in her life, never had to wash one single load of dirty dishes, probably even had someone else change her kids diapers, someone else picked my nose for me, etc etc etc'


sure i dont know, maybe she has done a load of dishes at some point in her life. but i seriously fucking doubt it.


but its just funny to me because this whole notion of 1% this and 1% that has been bandied about by people lately as some big rally point, and this queen seems to represent all the worst things about this 1% concept. purely by birth does she get to be supported by people who actually work for a living. everyone says the royal family are more of a figurehead or symbolic thing now but correct me if i'm wrong, they do have some political sway. and why? what did she have to do to prove that she deserved to have that sway? she was just born into it. and for her to beg these scots just seems fucking ridiculous. she might as well say 'if you vote no you can always remember that, even while you work your fingers to the bone at some job you hate, some old hag of a bitch like me who was never elected by you and never had to struggle like you, gets to be rich and have some degree of influence over the rules that govern you. don't let that end with me'


maybe i'm completely off base here though, in my interpretation of these things


but it kind of blows my mind that with all these people out there pretending to care about the 1%, that the queen's statements on this haven't been completely obliterated by these types.

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Shame about the result. Would have liked to see Scotland independent, not that I have really looked into the implications good or bad, but it would have shaken things up a bit and that is always good. It will be interesting to see how Westminster reacts. I doubt Scotland will get another chance at a referendum anytime soon. They had their chance and blew it.

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