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Temple of the True Inner Light

Guest viscosity

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Guest viscosity

anyone have experience with Dipropyltryptamine? apparently that's their Eucharist. seems like the easier route of getting some sort of spiritual enlightenment, even if it's drug induced. similar to the Native American church which uses mescaline for ceremony


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anyone have experience with Dipropyltryptamine? apparently that's their Eucharist. seems like the easier route of getting some sort of spiritual enlightenment, even if it's drug induced. similar to the Native American church which uses mescaline for ceremony


Never taken Dipropyltryptamine.


Regarding that website: Worshipping drugs as if the drugs themselves are literally God is, in my opinion, a serious mistake. The religious idea that I trust the most is that of God being within everything; this is directly opposed to the idea of God being something you must ingest - something that must exist outside of all other creatures, and which is unavailable in certain climates/time periods/etc. God, as I understand the term - if it can be said to be a term which is understandable at all - denotes an idea that is available for all to experience. Classifying a subset of psychotropics as God is then, by my line of thought, to miss the point entirely. Such an idea implies that God has other, limited functions in nature, and does not inhabit all of nature - again something I think is a serious misunderstanding of the concept in general. I'm about as sure as I ever could be that marijuana is not Yahweh. It is not necessary to take drugs to be spiritual, and taking drugs will not necessarily imbue a person with a sense of profound spirituality. Psychedelics are powerful catalysts for change in some people. In others, they are tools to various ends. Some of them are addictive and demotivating for many people (marijuana falls into this category if it is to be categorized as a psychedelic). I'm probably preaching to the choir here.


With that said, it is not fully clear to me why someone would desire an organization to follow if their main goal is just to see first-hand the weird wonder of the psychedelic experience.


Eat the drugs and get down with your bad self. Maybe you'll glimpse "the Light" - I have - and maybe you won't. Treating psychedelics as if they possess a spiritual life of their own is completely erroneous IMO; it is only through their chemical interaction with the human brain that they are able to give off a sense of spirituality. God is in the mind, not the plant. It shouldn't have taken me this many words to say that, but there you go. I'm high. :cisfor:

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Guest viscosity

flol, yeah that was long winded. i actually haven't even read the literature that I posted.. but if it did indeed say that the drug itself is godlike, that would be a misconception, i agree. psychedelics are a key into the subconscious realm where spiritual connections can be better realized. that was what I thought their intent was. also DPT is a particularly rare drug to obtain from my research into the topic, so maybe they would have better access to it.


but yeah, religion would be a whole lot more fun if psychedelics were allowed for inner exploration, would definitely be available in my vision of utopia. which reminds me, I need to read more Huxley

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Guest Drahken

I have quite a bit of experience, though that was years ago. Dunno how enlightening I'd describe the experience. While I certainly had some cool experiences, its the kind of subtance that made those kind of enlightening thoughts difficult because it was fairly incapaciating. Far different from the kind of mental fluidity you get with say LSD or a full veil breakthrough with DMT. Definately have a lot of funny stories, I'd almost forgotten!

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