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i got a new guitar

Guest disparaissant

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Guest disparaissant

i didn't put this in EKT because i'm not an expert and also it's hilariously sucky


so the other day i was at goodwill because i am a broke fucker who doesn't mind second hand clothes

anyways they had nothing whatsoever in the clothes department that interested me, but i did stumble across this. for the princely sum of ten american dollar$:




"First Act Discovery makes imaginative musical products for kids ages 3 to 9. Designed to encourage music learning and inspire creativity, Discovery products make playing music fun!"


oh man, how could i pass that up? it had never even been played, it was just chilling in it's box, half strung. so i snatched it up. worth every penny.


but that wasn't enough. another guitar i have laying around is this one:


it's actually the first electric guitar i ever got. my brother ended up stealing it from my parent's house because i had gotten better guitars. he left it in a shed for like a year, it was thoroughly trashed. so i decided to see what i could do with the bits that still worked, namely the pickups.


oh that'll do.


quick mockup. the cover is made out of the back of a dvd case that i cut up with scissors haha.


fucked up my nails doin this shit jeez


final product.

sounds a lot better than i thought it would. this is me recording right after i plugged it in:


overall im amazed. it's actually usable. and i like playing it a lot, i mean its for little kids, it's got a pretty easy action.


(feeds back like a motherfucker though)

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Guest disparaissant

surprisingly not! i mean it's pretty much brand new, it actually looks like someone bought it for their kid, got fed up trying to put the strings on, and gave it to goodwill. i imagine as it ages it will be impossible to keep in tune.


the beauty of it is, these fuckers are 20 bucks new, so when this one wears out i can smash it, and put the electronics into another one :D

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Guest kokeboka

If the feedback starts getting annoying, closing up the soundhole should help a lot. Although I personally do prefer noisy guitars :emotawesomepm9:


You should find a way to build a Marshall amp with something else from goodwill - then you could into full sweet child o mine mode.

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Guest disparaissant

i like noisy too haha.

and uh, i KIND of already did that, im running guitar rig through an amp and speakers i got at goodwill, anyhow.


i was kind of hoping to just have a crunchy, sort of karl blau/phil elverum sounding hunk of junk, and i think it works well for that.


and also yes, i must find a toy drum kit and a good drummer and we will make billions

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