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Megaupload.com shut down by the feds


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They are just sending a message to the internet saying "Look at what we can do"


Now they can pretty much excuse any future website shutdown with "they were sharing illegal links, etc"

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They are just sending a message to the internet saying "Look at what we can do"


Now they can pretty much excuse any future website shutdown with "they were sharing illegal links, etc"


It could have been what you were maybe alluding to earlier. Almost like they provoked them and then got this reaction from Anonymous.


but they are going to show this to the public and say "SEE THESE GUYS ARE TERRORIST"
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They are just sending a message to the internet saying "Look at what we can do"


Now they can pretty much excuse any future website shutdown with "they were sharing illegal links, etc"


It could have been what you were maybe alluding to earlier. Almost like they provoked them and then got this reaction from Anonymous.


but they are going to show this to the public and say "SEE THESE GUYS ARE TERRORIST"


makes me wonder, if Anonymous can really be any hacker group wanting to put anonymity on what their doing. The US government could easily stage a faux attack from anonymous as an excuse to do something

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1914: the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand.

2012: the shutdown of megaupload.








i'll be watching for a new hipster indie band in ~2104 called "megaupload".

Don't you dare diss Franz Ferdinand.

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I think it's pretty significant that Megaupload was shutdown right after this huge SOPA/PIPA protest.


it is, i think it's designed to send a chilling effect to everybody citizen and investors into companies that host potentially illegal content

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They are just sending a message to the internet saying "Look at what we can do"


Now they can pretty much excuse any future website shutdown with "they were sharing illegal links, etc"


It could have been what you were maybe alluding to earlier. Almost like they provoked them and then got this reaction from Anonymous.


but they are going to show this to the public and say "SEE THESE GUYS ARE TERRORIST"


makes me wonder, if Anonymous can really be any hacker group wanting to put anonymity on what their doing. The US government could easily stage a faux attack from anonymous as an excuse to do something



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1914: the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand.

2012: the shutdown of megaupload.








i'll be watching for a new hipster indie band in ~2104 called "megaupload".

Don't you dare diss Franz Ferdinand.

eh, it wasn't intended to be a diss. they're a bit overrated, in my opinion (and pretty hiptster :shrug: , those i'm not using that negatively--some of my closest friends are hipster doofuses)

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Guest bitroast

I always clicked megaupload links over rapidshare letitbit etc when there was a choice. That meant something


yesss. megaupload was actually fast and reliable. this sucks.


also, agree with W32MyDoom too. mediafire is the shit.

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Belong are very good.


They instantly jumped into my favourite music ever zone.


I paid for their most recent EP, Common Era because I felt they were worth it. Vinyl and CD, both of which I've never even unwrapped. I never would have got into their catalogue if it weren't for obscure blogs and file-sharing websites.

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Guest viscosity

I can't help but think there are alternative motives to this in that the government is just trying to control another vast highway of information. I view the internet as a massive library and restrictions like this just seem unnecessary and counterproductive

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... Are The USA federales allow to arrest anyone in the world? I mean, wtf is going on??


He's in new zeland, countries are supposed to defend their own citizens but new zeland seems to abide to wtf the USA wants. It's very scary and heavy shit.

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I absolutely hate this country right now, it's getting fucking scary.. Still haven't gotten last years tax refund because the IRS doesn't think I am me and refuses to accept that i'm me when I show up in person. They also won't tell me how to fix it, which is probably going to fuck me in the butthole 2012.

The Internet is being destroyed. Our food supply is tainted and swiftly ensures most Americans will spend more time paying for health care, Western chronic disease and disorder is widespread and on the rise still. They'd rather blow funds on locking stoners away for life and carpet bombing foreign civilians with a bad apple among them.

We're forced by law to participate in the scam that is insurance industry. And lately the feds have been working hard to ensure the poor stay poor.

It is so obvious what is happening...

Most mega corporations and the giant turd that is our federal government have no conscience it seems. The race to climb the socioeconomic ladder trumps any and all desire to enrich the lives of our people.

What just happened in Iraq and during the Bush administration? Cmon guys, just WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? 8 years of anti-human legislature, we finally elect a black guy (took 236 years), and nothing changes just more of the same. Now there's 8 or so fucking devolved apes in suits trying to replace him that probably jerk off every night to fantasies of power.


I want nothing to do with any other them unless it involves kicking repeatedly in the nutsack


amen brother

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the skkkumbags that have run ALL the major labels and the RIAA have done nothing but DISPROPORTIONATELY extort artists and consumers as long as they have been in operation.

While record companies need to be profitable to stay in business,and rely upon indentured servitude as their business model,the fact is they squeezed every penny out of consumers and artists in a maniacal greed laden stupor for far to long.


EXAMPLE-charging people 18 dollars for a new cd that will eventually have data loss,a broken jewel case and costs about .10 to .40 cents to make in volume


Example- Prince,Michael Jackson,Don Henley,Rolling Stones,Frank Zappa trapped in multimillion dollar decades long litigations in attempt to get paid and gain ownership of their own music masters.


pfffft karma is a bitch twats

eat it

megaupload might be down but the genie is out of the bottle,the little dutch boy at the mp3 dike has run out of fingers and toes a long time ago.

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EXAMPLE-charging people 18 dollars for a new cd that will eventually have data loss,a broken jewel case and costs about .10 to .40 cents to make in volume


This. When I look back I find it almost disgusting that for a couple of decades it was the norm to pay £15+ for an album on CD. All that money. Nowadays you can download a whole album for <£5. They raped us for so long.

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Now think about all the people who bought the lifetime premium membership (200€) in december or january


Well, yeah. As much as I appreciate MegaUpload now it's gone. I was never once inclined to actually pay them. :cerious:

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i had some sort of respect for Megaupload because it was like, sure you can have the file fella, but you have to sit there and wait 30 seconds or whatever it was, 45 seconds? before then, those kind of enforced boundaries were unfamiliar to me. lesson learned.


RIP Old man

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Someone else pointed out this being a potential reason in the comments under that first article, but I was surprised to find something so seemingly concrete:




I remember hating Chris Dodd when I was a kid because of his stance on violent video games...had no idea he's head of the MPAA!



Edit: I am embarassed to notice the article is on "foxnews.com" though.


lol did that guy seriously use the highest grossing movie of all time as his example. Oh no they dled Avatar 21 million times. It made almost 3 billion dollars worldwide. I don't think any of the cameramen who worked on it has to worry.

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