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Guest iep

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i got hooked on this shit, it came in pills and was called dexamfetamine i think. i got better at the piano in 2 weeks than i usually would in 3 sober months, all i wanted to do all day was engage my brain. after two months of taking it every day i started feeling a bit odd, so i stopped, had a ruthless 2 day comedown and i haven't touched it since.

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Guest Helper ET




"In a study published in the American Heart Journal, researchers scanned the medical records of nearly 31 million patients nationwide, ages 18 to 49, and found amphetamine abusers faced 3.3 times the risk of developing a torn aorta.

An aortic tear (a tear in the largest artery in the body, also called aortic dissection) is a medical emergency and can quickly lead to death, even with optimal treatment. Complications include rupture, heart attack, permanent kidney failure, stroke and death, according to the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. If torn completely open, there is massive and rapid blood loss and an 80 percent mortality rate.Half of patients die before they even reach the hospital.

The torn heart vessel brings on "the most horrible chest pain imaginable," states a cardiologist at San Francisco General Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco, David Waters, in Science News, reporting on the Journal's study. "Patients say, 'I think I'm going to die,' and they're right," he said."


"Do Not Use If


You have not tried other psychotherapy, have high blood pressure or any form of heart disease, are very nervous or have severe insomnia, have a history of addiction to drugs or alcohol, or have Tourette syndrome. Do not combine with monoamine oxidase inhibitors."


"Overdose Side Effects


Amphetamines have been extensively abused. Extreme psychological dependence and severe social disability have resulted. Abuse of amphetamines may cause a sudden heart attackeven in those with no signs of heart disease. Symptoms of overdose that require immediate medical assistance include:

  • Restlessness
  • Tremor
  • Aggression
  • Hallucinations
  • Panic states
  • Hyperreflexia (overactive reflexes, which can include twitching or spasms)
  • Personality changes
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Seizures or abnormal EEGs
  • High blood pressure
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Swelling of hands/feet/ankles (for example, numbing of the fingertips)
  • Delusions
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Unexplained muscle pain
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Rhabdomyolysis and kidney damage
  • Chronic abuse can manifest itself as psychosis, often indistinguishable from schizophrenia"


"Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder


The onset of amphetamine-induced anxiety disorder can occur during amphetamine use or withdrawal, according to best-selling psychiatry text, Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry citing American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

"Amphetamine, as with cocaine, can induce symptoms similar to those seen in obsessive disorder, panic disorder, and phobic disorders," states Synopsis of Psychiatry.


Adderall-Induced Psychosis


Induction of schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, including Adderall, have been observed, though not as well documented as with amphetamine abusers, according to The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicinein an article entitled, "Adderall-Induced Psychosis in an Adolescent."


"Dependence, Tolerance and Withdrawal


It is possible to build up a tolerance to amphetamines, which means the person using the drug needs to take larger doses to achieve the same effect. Over time, the body might come to depend on amphetamines just to function normally. The person craves the drug and their psychological dependence makes them panic if access is denied, even temporarily.

Withdrawal symptoms can include tiredness, panic attacks, crankiness, extreme hunger, depression and nightmares. Some people experience a pattern of "binge crash" characterized by using continuously for several days without sleep, followed by a period of heavy sleeping."


throw it in the garbage, dont risk your life man

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goddamnit stop posting that shit about adderall and torn aortas...youre gonna give me a panic attack.


how many documented cases of adderall induced deaths are there? out of what population using the drug?


im on 20 mg, Id imagine it would take far more than that.


Someone agree with me so I don't flip out.

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ya low doses for me, just for wakefulness. lot of people here go "stupid hard" on this thing and pull multi-all-nighters. i use it as a coffee substitute, couple times a month. dopamine comedown is hard indeed.

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but sometimes i DO go loose with it, let them chop one on my back


laying on my front, hmm


well that was my current watmm 3000th post :/

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*leaves thread* alone, started this thread in a zone, but left it, no frowning, just slightly inappropriate crowning, of the wrong kings, on second review their story stinks. silly wild things.

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yeah....if anything, I cut down the dosage to 15-17.5 mg a day. Ive been on it on and off for 5 years, I stopped taking it because I didn't believe that it was helping...had a really really dark period (much of which is probably documented by my idiocy and partial insanity on this forum), came back to the doctor who tested me for ADHD, and was dumbfounded that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier. Now it helps me in an immense way, I focus, complete tons of work, and usually sleep fairly decent at night.


But if it will rip open my arteries...

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yeah....if anything, I cut down the dosage to 15-17.5 mg a day. Ive been on it on and off for 5 years, I stopped taking it because I didn't believe that it was helping...had a really really dark period (much of which is probably documented by my idiocy and partial insanity on this forum), came back to the doctor who tested me for ADHD, and was dumbfounded that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier. Now it helps me in an immense way, I focus, complete tons of work, and usually sleep fairly decent at night.


But if it will rip open my arteries...


not your arteries, dude, your aorta.



do you really want that tearing?


also, i'm thinking about scoring some to help with studying. does it really help one focus?

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aorta. even worse. no i dont want that tearing. But how many people has this occurred to that do not abuse their dosage?


I would say be careful, adderall's effects can vary from person to person. Some friends I know have said they just can't sit still, or rather they experience the exact opposite of what the drug is intended to treat in certain people. It can also make someone anxious, appetite problems, etc. I would say take the lowest possible dose first and see how that works for you.

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aorta. even worse. no i dont want that tearing. But how many people has this occurred to that do not abuse their dosage?


I would say be careful, adderall's effects can vary from person to person. Some friends I know have said they just can't sit still, or rather they experience the exact opposite of what the drug is intended to treat in certain people. It can also make someone anxious, appetite problems, etc. I would say take the lowest possible dose first and see how that works for you.


i don't think you'd be at a huge risk. amphetamines do stimulate the heart and make it race, that's a given. the danger of aortic tearage probably depends on how much and how often this happens. i mean, what's the risk for aortic tearage in a, let's say, bicyclist compared to the average population? or, when you're having sex? without comparing to other activities that stimulate the heart, you really can't gauge what "3 times the risk" means.

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for the americans, and based on experience, i think iepers is referring to what is commonly called 'base speed' in holland (especially going by the 'wet' reference). it's closer to meth than adderall and it is not a fun drug.

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Guest Helper ET

goddamnit stop posting that shit about adderall and torn aortas...youre gonna give me a panic attack.


how many documented cases of adderall induced deaths are there? out of what population using the drug?


im on 20 mg, Id imagine it would take far more than that.


Someone agree with me so I don't flip out.

yeah....if anything, I cut down the dosage to 15-17.5 mg a day. Ive been on it on and off for 5 years, I stopped taking it because I didn't believe that it was helping...had a really really dark period (much of which is probably documented by my idiocy and partial insanity on this forum), came back to the doctor who tested me for ADHD, and was dumbfounded that I hadn't been diagnosed earlier. Now it helps me in an immense way, I focus, complete tons of work, and usually sleep fairly decent at night.


But if it will rip open my arteries...


im not a scientist, but i think you can relax for now. my post was intended to provide information towards the abuse of adderall, not as a prescription. although i cant verify the safety of any pharmaceutical drug, i believe that website's information is directed at individuals abusing the drug or considering using it for recreation


i think you would have to do your own research on the safety of long term use, but dont freak out, your body is adjusted by now, and youre going to be fine. if you are indeed concerned though, i recommend doing some long, hard, research (probably on dex, lol), and making up your own mind. as a rule of thumb, drugs are generally not good for you though, but i dont know your situation


hope it helps

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goddamnit stop posting that shit about adderall and torn aortas...youre gonna give me a panic attack.


how many documented cases of adderall induced deaths are there? out of what population using the drug?


im on 20 mg, Id imagine it would take far more than that.


Someone agree with me so I don't flip out.


Dude good job taking Aderall


Now you have a 100% chance of death at some point in your life

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