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Harmony Korine + Selena Gomez


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Of course if you argue with my fantastically amazing moment of genius. Well clearly you miss the point and have been passed by by greater fantastic hipster impressionismism.






Korine makes movies that create this dualist opinion in my mind where I cant decide if his films are a complete waste or if there is some gold to be mined out of them. I dont really think this tends towards the "i like his work" side, but its enough to make me watch some of his stuff at least once.


Whereas I actually really really enjoyed Julien Donkey Boy, Trash Humpers was the complete apex of overtly shit art film I have ever seen.


yeah im a tgwtg nerd (i watch it for Spoony and this guy, who happens to be a high-brow film critic...he did a good job poking fun at Humpers)



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Haven't seen any movie by this guy, or know much about him, but from what I'm reading here I feel he's doing all this 'crazy' big name casting just for the sake of irony, attention and/or hype.



Nah, I'm just being cynical. He of course didn't employ Skrillex because of his hyped name, but more for his experience in traditional film scoring.

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He of course didn't employ Skrillex because of his hyped name, but more for his experience in traditional film scoring.


I'm going to remember this argument for the next time someone says Autechre should score a film.



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He of course didn't employ Skrillex because of his hyped name, but more for his experience in traditional film scoring.


I'm going to remember this argument for the next time someone says Autechre should score a film.



Yes, because Autechre are clearly, and have always been, as hyped as Skrillex.

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I was referring to the latter part of the argument MORE and you know it bitch <3


And in hype levels in neck-bearded internet country, Autechre are definitely the most hyped, along with teh Richard it's almost like they invented synthesizers and dance music you can't dance to.

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lol Autchre are not hyped, they have earned their plaudits through a distinguished and excellent back catalog. I have no doubt that if they put their minds to it they would come up with an excellent score for a film, much like Plaid have done with their scores.

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Different strokes and all that I guess.


In that I've heard people say the same thing about Gary Barlow or Muse or any other of bands.


I think Autechre are good, but they're definitely hyped hard on WATMM.

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