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Google to sell Augmented Reality Glasses in 2012.


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i don't see how it would limit physical interactions between people.


Perhaps "limit" isn't the word I would use, but things like texting and videochatting have done the strange thing of making themselves seem somehow equivalent to face-to-face interaction. Now just becuase I am posting on a messageboard or texting a friend, doesn't mean it literally prevents me from going outside and talking to people in person. But when people feel that sort of need for social iteraction and emotional catharsis being slightly and temporarily alleviated by what seems like it, then you have alot of people turning to these froms of communication that are not truly equivalent. At that point I think you can say that there is a correspondence between the increase in people living in their smartphones and a decrease in meaningful communication with other people.


But I could be wrong! Who knows, I could see myself using them to get around a new area, then putting them away whenever I found what I was looking for. Like many products, I wouldn't worry about their effect as much if people were more critical and cognizant of the context of the product, and the companies intentions, effect on their consciousness, etc, (even and especially if they choose to use that product while regarding those criticisms). I guess my real worry lies in the fact that a less-informed consumer and citizen may oftentimes may better serve the companies making the products affecting our lives.


Sorry, I'm not trying to be argumentative here, In a way, I'm just trying to figure out for myself why this sort of thing seems so strange and unappealing to me.


basically you're saying people are retarded and don't even know how to fulfill their emotional needs.


I meant that with the ease of capability, there's sortof a tendency to slip into that habit, myself included. It's not becuase people are stupid, it's because it's easier to chat someone on facebook than to talk to them in person.

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i don't see how it would limit physical interactions between people.

But when people feel that sort of need for social iteraction and emotional catharsis being slightly and temporarily alleviated by what seems like it, then you have alot of people turning to these froms of communication that are not truly equivalent.


basically you're saying people are retarded and don't even know how to fulfill their emotional needs.


I meant that with the ease of capability, there's sortof a tendency to slip into that habit, myself included. It's not becuase people are stupid, it's because it's easier to chat someone on facebook than to talk to them in person.

still, if a persons desires face 2 face communication, facebooks and such won't be able to substitute it, it'll be apparent, no habit will affect this desire. i just don't believe that computer mediated communication actually forcefully replaces anything, rather then evens things out naturally according to the needs of people. basically i don't think that people are driving themselves into some social anxiety limbo by choosing facebook over f2f, it's just that they've found a method of communication that fits them better. the notion of of f2f comm being objectively superior to computer mediated comm needs some actual science behind it..

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I agree. I don't think asking someone where I can find a book or train is enriching my life. I'm perfectly OK with replacing superfluous face to face communication with digital communication or a database.


If those Google glasses would work like their concepts make it out to be, I'd buy it for sure. I don't like talking into a computer though, so another input method would be great.

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Personally I don't like the execution of the concept - I don't want big fucking bubbles popping up in front of my eyes while I'm walking.

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Guest Rambo

seriously all you people are going to hate the future lol


Actually i dont quite mean that. Some will hate the future, some will realise they were wrong previously.

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Guest Rambo

Maybe this is what's so supposed to happen anyway? Maybe some should be repulsed by certain things. It seems to me that we will eventually merge with our technology. It's evolution. There should be fallout and rejection along the way.

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seriously all you people are going to hate the future lol


Actually i dont quite mean that. Some will hate the future, some will realise they were wrong previously.


As long as you're in my future Rambo, I'll always wear shades.

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Guest Rambo

seriously all you people are going to hate the future lol


Actually i dont quite mean that. Some will hate the future, some will realise they were wrong previously.


As long as you're in my future Rambo, I'll always wear shades.


nice touch *has visbile erection*


actually that was worded badly. Didn't mean one opinion is right and one is wrong btw

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seriously all you people are going to hate the future lol


Actually i dont quite mean that. Some will hate the future, some will realise they were wrong previously.


As long as you're in my future Rambo, I'll always wear shades.


nice touch *has visbile erection*


actually that was worded badly. Didn't mean one opinion is right and one is wrong btw

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I'm having a hard time feeling excited about this.


Like it already has been mentioned in this thread, I'm not sure it will improve people's life quality at all.


But who knows.. Could turn out to be the greatest thing ever.

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Maybe this is what's so supposed to happen anyway? Maybe some should be repulsed by certain things. It seems to me that we will eventually merge with our technology. It's evolution. There should be fallout and rejection along the way.


dude, i'm totally hopping on the cyborg train as soon as it's available.

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i don't see how it would limit physical interactions between people.

But when people feel that sort of need for social iteraction and emotional catharsis being slightly and temporarily alleviated by what seems like it, then you have alot of people turning to these froms of communication that are not truly equivalent.


basically you're saying people are retarded and don't even know how to fulfill their emotional needs.


I meant that with the ease of capability, there's sortof a tendency to slip into that habit, myself included. It's not becuase people are stupid, it's because it's easier to chat someone on facebook than to talk to them in person.

still, if a persons desires face 2 face communication, facebooks and such won't be able to substitute it, it'll be apparent, no habit will affect this desire. i just don't believe that computer mediated communication actually forcefully replaces anything, rather then evens things out naturally according to the needs of people. basically i don't think that people are driving themselves into some social anxiety limbo by choosing facebook over f2f, it's just that they've found a method of communication that fits them better. the notion of of f2f comm being objectively superior to computer mediated comm needs some actual science behind it..


posted this in the 'now reading' thread but this is pretty tight fit with what you guys are debating, have a look

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