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what cigarette brands do you smoke watmm


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I used to roll with Buccaneer (whiskey flavoured) for many years, but my problem with rolling tabacco is, I find it too acidic, even if you use a filter, the aftertaste is bad. If you open a bag the tabacco is too moist, if you end a bag its too dry, the rolled cigarette tastes different on the beginning than on the end.

What I like about Gauloises is, they are perfectly balanced, have a superb aftertaste and for filtercigs in general you have always the same quality.

But what pisses me off a bit, is the new EU fire regulation, the manufacturer has to install some kind of bulge on two places that prevents burning down of a 'not sucked on' cig. it means you won't burn down to death if you fall asleep, but it makes the cig go off sometimes, and the bulge also cases the cig to not burn down smootly. large cutback in lifequality, cheers.

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i like Gauloises. not available here.


here's my smoking history


i started with these when i was 14:



then on a ferry to france i bought a crate of the more exotic


when those ran out i got some:


when my roll-up rolling mime failed


no filter


then whatever (re)imported tobacco was available.. Drum, Samson, Cutter's Choice, Golden Virginia, Amber Leaf.


then Drum for years in amsterdam. the occasional lucky strikes.


now the cheapest tobacco (With papers), Gold Leaf


or Amber Leaf


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Guest ansgaria

Camel, preferably yellow.


I'd smoke Lucky Strike if I could get my hands on them. Why? Because fucking Mad Men and their brilliantly hidden advertisement.

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