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New Tool record end of year?


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cease fire bro


I mean there's no doubt that Maynard has always been a bit of a resentful, indignation-craving dickhead but that's a double edged sword he's typically swinging in the right direction. 

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I don't know enough about him but what exactly has he said/done that is cuntish? Not arguing, I'm genuinely interested to know. Lateralus is probably in my top ten rock/metal albums.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know enough about him but what exactly has he said/done that is cuntish? Not arguing, I'm genuinely interested to know. Lateralus is probably in my top ten rock/metal albums.



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Well, he did try and throw that Bob Marley wannabe motherfucker out of their show once.


Plus he kind of sang a whole song about fuck everyone in L.A. and also he hopes it falls into the ocean, so...




They've supposedly begun recording now, so, um, yay? Maybe this year? Lol. Yeah right.



Edited by auxien
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Yeah, he was being purposefully a bit obtuse but not like, a dick. Went on for a good minute or two about the infamous Lacrymology text (though it wasn't ever named), which I hadn't thought of in years.

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lol yeah, see my post about 5 ticks up...from Adam Jones himself. That Maynard fan page is a fucking riot though. Saw a Pray for Las Vegas post from a few months back, i shook my damnt head

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