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does the 2012 idm tourney represent the true state of watmm?


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i think it would be enlightening to have a simple poll asking the members wether they prefer the old, proper watmm, or the new watered down version. i doubt joyrex would allow it though, for fear of the result.


please explain to me how the new watmm is "watered down"

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Guest Mirezzi

It is a bit milquetoast around here these days but don't for a second think the absence of sup, maximum mischief, or boxing day type tards has anything to do with that...

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Guest zaphod

i think it would be enlightening to have a simple poll asking the members wether they prefer the old, proper watmm, or the new watered down version. i doubt joyrex would allow it though, for fear of the result.


i'm not sure what you think the "old proper watmm" really is. this place has been mediocre for a few years now but i'd place the blame as much on the members here as i would on joyrex and the mods.

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so where are the cool internet places(er.. websites)?


that's a completely genuine question.


obviously on the internet... but what are they?


also, i mean forums.

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You could always make a WATMM film that just fucking kicks indescribable amounts of ass. Just don't screen it for the critics (Joyrex).

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It's dead because...


-Maximus Mischief


...were banned.



And there hasn't been a proper IDM release for 50 years.



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StephenG, cumberland, and people like me are alive and posting while ezkerraldean, hathathat and nice guys like sup are banned. How does this make you feel?


I feel quite good about that. I like spanish people too so I feel good about that.

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Well you northern hemisphere chaps. It's warming up there now, perhaps you guys can go outside for a bit. Lessen your posting and then when it cools down again and the sun stops coming round for as long, you'll be refreshed and positive about life again, and that will refelct in your posting and how you view the 'state' of everything everywhere, including this tiny little corner of the internets.


;-] trust me, i'm a mod, we know all sort of shit, including but not limited to, everything.

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i think it would be enlightening to have a simple poll asking the members wether they prefer the old, proper watmm, or the new watered down version. i doubt joyrex would allow it though, for fear of the result.


please explain to me how the new watmm is "watered down"


They're mad because joyrex took away their tits and then went a bit overboard with the censorship.

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I don't mind the T'n'A threads getting the axe, that shit can be found elsewhere. I do mind that certain members got the axe, first due to the whole LTM debacle (which was a huge mistake), and then getting suspended/banned for questioning certain decisions or just playing around. Good members that contributed with some forum gold over the years. The shady censoring and deletion of posts and threads also rubs me the wrong way. Since when did WATMM become such a SeriousBusiness that no fun or ribbing was allowed?


I love how Joyrex keeps saying that GenBan is not even needed, when most of the action is here. There's only so much you can talk about artists releases before it becomes boring rehashing. Half of the featured artists haven't released anything in years and the scene has either died down or diversified. Many people just hang here due to the community and don't even listen to the music this site was about anymore. And with the NuWATMM being enforced there is less reason to stick around and regular posters have been dropping out. JR will say that there are more members than ever before as if it's because the new regime, but I really doubt that you can draw such a conclusion. The posters I usually see here are those that have been far longer than that here but that number is declining, much to JRs satisfaction I imagine. Less people to throw up a stink when some new draconian decisions is implemented.


With the current regime I don't see it having such a power as WATMM had before becoming all family friendly and clean. In fact I would say that had WATMM been like it is today when it started out, it wouldn't be around today. Hell, this place hasn't even had a proper site around it for the majority of the time, so the only reason people have been coming here is the community, which is slowly being eroded to something else. And it's not like the old WATMM was full of tits and ass or poop threads. There were serious threads with serious discussions but there was always the possibility to take a less serious tongue-in-cheek route without the fear of being suspended or banned by someone who deemed it too "juvenile" or "not funny".


I wonder if this will give me some more infraction points like the renaming of the Funny Pics thread did. Inciting other people to behave a certain way is a crime.


Last post(?)

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watmm is dead and it's mostly due to the wrong people being banned (apart from hardcode) and chatmm being shut down.


I did enjoy chatmm and think it had its uses. There did seem to be a legitimate reason for getting rid, however I'm not too sure whether the site owners would get a bitch slap for what the members were posting/sharing.


And yeah, hardcode was a cunt that I'm glad has gone.

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watmm, we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams, when we aren't fisting ourselves, gnashing teeth and talking shite, which is the majority of the time

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